Not aimbot !!! The bullet that comes to you its the LAG COMPENSATION of the 0.3z !! He shots u before u can see it on your screen thats why the bullets come to you The real aimbot would never lose the lock on you and with the lag remover u will be dead in 2 seconds, not running around.....
Dúfaš zbytočne im to nestačí :D . Jak mu to skočilo to je jasné ab a aj to,že mal lagy a preto mieril furt za teba je logické vysvetlenie (ani nieje podozrivé jak permanentne mieri presne rovnakú vzdialenosť za teba :D točiť sa dokola a takto mieriť to je fakt "skill").
ubral mi no je to čisté AB až nato že má lagy tak mu to striela poza mna.. na videu to vidno nieje ale na originale ano (ubral mi 1 hp vesty ale aj tak ubral.
// Pozri si to predtým je to hore vidno jak mi ubral s vesty je to predtým ako to je spomalené
He is banned, its Aimbot u must be blind or somtehing
The bullet that comes to you its the LAG COMPENSATION of the 0.3z !!
He shots u before u can see it on your screen thats why the bullets come to you
The real aimbot would never lose the lock on you and with the lag remover u will be dead in 2 seconds, not running around.....
// Pozri si to predtým je to hore vidno jak mi ubral s vesty je to predtým ako to je spomalené