




Benefits of premium account

Do you want to purchase premium account and distinguish from normal players? You will get many useful and interesting benefits with your premium account and you will support keeping game servers alive.

What can I get by purchasing premium account?

You will get a lot of benefits both on website and game servers.


  • Bonus titles
  • No ads
  • Chat on server
  • Server map
  • Higher limit for uploading screenshots and videos
  • Higher limit for selling Tokens to other users: 500 Tokens

Game server (San Andreas Multiplayer):

  • 6 more slots for boosts
  • Bonus titles (command /title)
  • Hide on radar (command /hide)
  • Highlighting players on radar (command /highlight)
  • Ability to set a tag (command /tag)
  • Ability to change name color (command /color)
  • Color text in chat (command /textcolor)
  • Ability to change pickup labels color (command /labelcolor)
  • You will retrieve your weapons when released from prison
  • Ability to start poll (command /poll)
  • Ability to start auction (command /auction)
  • Ability to sell houses and properties (command /sell)
  • Ability to set house for sale (command /sellhouse)
  • Reduced price for selling house on Dynasty 8
  • Ability to change vehicle number plate (command /numberplate)
  • Ability to change vehicle police number (command /policenumber)
  • Ability to use timer (command /timer)
  • Ability to vote for next event (command /eventvote)
  • Ability to flip vehicle (command /flip)
  • Wager in dices up to $50000
  • Special items
  • You can add 50 players as friends
  • Reserved slot when server is full

Game server (FiveM):

  • Hide on radar (command /hide)
  • Highlighting players on radar (command /highlight)
  • Ability to change name color (command /color)
  • You will retrieve your weapons when released from prison
  • You will spend half time in prison
  • You earn 2x more XP
  • Ability to start poll (command /poll)
  • Ability to start auction (command /auction)
  • Ability to use timer (command /timer)
  • Ability to vote for next event (command /eventvote)
  • Ability to type emoji in chat
  • You can add 50 players as friends
  • Reserved slot when server is full