Apply for helper.
Language: English (learning 9-12 years), Urdu (native) ,Pashto,hindi,hinko...
Server : San Andreas 3 (
Registration on web: 12-7-14
Total game timing :1350 hours
Playing per day :7-10h
I have read all the requirement and rules described in the First post of this thread.
I was helper before , i leave my post for my job , now i''m back and i want to continue...
Apply for helper. Age:18 Language: English (learning 9-12 years), Urdu (native) ,Pashto,hindi,hinko... Server : San Andreas 3 ( Registration on web: 12-7-14 Total game timing :1350 hours Playing per day :7-10h I have read all the requirement and rules described in the First post of this thread. I was helper before , i leave my post for my job , now i''m back and i want to continue...
Age: 16 years
Languages: Arabic, English(learning 5 years)
Total gaming time on the server: 1400+hours
Gaming time per day: 3-6 hours
Registration on web: 28/3/2017
Server: San Andreas 2 (
I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First Post in this thread.
Age: 16 years Languages: Arabic, English(learning 5 years) Total gaming time on the server: 1400+hours Gaming time per day: 3-6 hours Registration on web: 28/3/2017 Server: San Andreas 2 ( I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First Post in this thread.
FOXABDULLegendary playerLevel 7628/09/2017 11:54 AM
Apply for Helper position in s3
Age: 16 years
Languages: Indonesian (native speaker), English (learning 11 years)
Total gaming time on the server: 1259 hours
Gaming time per day: 2-3 hours
Registration on web: 04.06.2015
Server: San Andreas 3 (
I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First post in this thread.
Apply for Helper position in s3 Age: 16 years Languages: Indonesian (native speaker), English (learning 11 years) Total gaming time on the server: 1259 hours Gaming time per day: 2-3 hours Registration on web: 04.06.2015 Server: San Andreas 3 ( I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First post in this thread.
Apply:Helper in s3
“Age: 17 years
Languages: English (native speaker)
Total gaming time on the server: 500 hours
Gaming time per day: 2-7 hours sometimes more
Registration on web: 02/01/2013
Server: San Andreas 3 (
I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First post in this thread.
Apply:Helper in s3 “Age: 17 years Languages: English (native speaker) Total gaming time on the server: 500 hours Gaming time per day: 2-7 hours sometimes more Registration on web: 02/01/2013 Server: San Andreas 3 ( I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First post in this thread.
Arron21Legendary playerLevel 3629/09/2017 05:48 AM
Apply; Helper
Age: 18
Languages: English (learning 2 years)
Total gaming time on the server: 1600 hours
Gaming time per day: 3-4 hours
Registration on web: 28.06.2015
Server: San Andreas 3 (
I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First post in this thread.
Apply; Helper Age: 18 Languages: English (learning 2 years) Total gaming time on the server: 1600 hours Gaming time per day: 3-4 hours Registration on web: 28.06.2015 Server: San Andreas 3 ( I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First post in this thread.
Apply; Helper
Age: 18
Languages: English (learning 4 years),Arabic(learning 4 years).
Total gaming time on the server: 1124 hours
Gaming time per day: 2-3 hours
Registration on web: 10.07.2016
Server: San Andreas 3 (
I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First post in this thread.
Apply; Helper Age: 18 Languages: English (learning 4 years),Arabic(learning 4 years). Total gaming time on the server: 1124 hours Gaming time per day: 2-3 hours Registration on web: 10.07.2016 Server: San Andreas 3 ( I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First post in this thread.
Age: 17 years
Languages: English (native speaker)
Total gaming time on the server: 327 hours
Gaming time per day: 3-4 hours
Registration on web: 17.02.2015
Server: San Andreas 2 (
I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First post in this thread.
Age: 17 years Languages: English (native speaker) Total gaming time on the server: 327 hours Gaming time per day: 3-4 hours Registration on web: 17.02.2015 Server: San Andreas 2 ( I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First post in this thread.
RealityyLegendary playerLevel 6201/10/2017 08:39 AM
Apply For Helper.
Apply For Helper Position on s3
In-Game : Reality_
Age: 16 years.
Languages: Macedonian (native speaker) , English (learning 10 years).
Total gaming time on the server : 1328 hours at the moment.
Gaming time per day: 6/11 hours.
Registration on web: 09/05/2016.
Server: San Andreas 3 (
I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First post in this thread.
Apply For Helper.
Apply For Helper Position on s3
In-Game : Reality_ Age: 16 years. Languages: Macedonian (native speaker) , English (learning 10 years). Total gaming time on the server : 1328 hours at the moment. Gaming time per day: 6/11 hours. Registration on web: 09/05/2016. Server: San Andreas 3 (
I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First post in this thread.
Languages:Urdu/Hindi (Native speaker) English (leanring 8 years)
Total gaming time on the server :1826 hours
Gaming time per day:3-10 hours
Registration on web:27/02/2017
Server:San Andreas 2 (
I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First post in this thread
Apply:Helper Age:20 Languages:Urdu/Hindi (Native speaker) English (leanring 8 years) Total gaming time on the server :1826 hours Gaming time per day:3-10 hours Registration on web:27/02/2017 Server:San Andreas 2 ( I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First post in this thread