



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!


Grinza n00b Level 63 07/12/2020 06:05 PM
Hey Sorry for the inconvenience How many time i must wait to be a helper ? I have all requirements (15 years old, more than 300 hours of playing, 30 hours of playing time in last 30 days on server) And i applied for helper ( i think 2 weeks ago) Sorry 4 my english :)
Sorry for the inconvenience
How many time i must wait to be a helper ?
I have all requirements (15 years old, more than 300 hours of playing, 30 hours of playing time in last 30 days on server)
And i applied for helper ( i think 2 weeks ago)
Sorry 4 my english :)
Aladin01 Nobody Special Level 34 07/12/2020 06:07 PM
it's just a matter of time, you gotta need to wait
it's just a matter of time, you gotta need to wait
ChinTapak Advanced player Level 68 07/12/2020 06:09 PM
Hello,it is not necessary that you will surely become a helper if you apply,you must be commited to helping players and hard working towards your job,mostly helpers are chosen after a week of applying,if no admin messaged you then you are free to apply again after a month,best of luck
Hello,it is not necessary that you will surely become a helper if you apply,you must be commited to helping players and hard working towards your job,mostly helpers are chosen after a week of applying,if no admin messaged you then you are free to apply again after a month,best of luck
Iverson Lead Administrator Assassin Level 137 07/12/2020 06:10 PM
When you meet the requirements, it doesn't mean that we'll promote you instantly. You have to prove yourself first, you can do that by helping other players, being more active etc. Feel free to message me on the website if you would like to ask something regarding the helper position. Locked!
When you meet the requirements, it doesn't mean that we'll promote you instantly. You have to prove yourself first, you can do that by helping other players, being more active etc. Feel free to message me on the website if you would like to ask something regarding the helper position. Locked!
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