



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!

SuggestionsSuggestions on SA-MP

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KSKSKSS Liked Level 78 14/11/2020 05:44 PM
Add helipad on roof and fitnes inside the house if is posibble for all houses. Or only for mansions in richman.
Add helipad on roof and fitnes inside the house if is posibble for all houses. Or only for mansions in richman.
yeyo Level 123 15/11/2020 04:07 AM
-Disable fire extinguisher damage inside interiors because some trash pscyhopath players always abusing it cuz they can't buy normal weapons they get extuinguisher and hunting anybody who enters or make it possible to break the stuck animation like it used to be by using /run 1 for example. -Make the higher your meth cooking skill is the faster you can finish cooking, like it takes about 1 minute to finish cooking 5 alco patch so for example for every 1000 skills you can finish cooking faster by 1 second/alco patch up to 5000 skill limit. -Add baseball bat and shovel to bonus items in iventory.(carry it on the back only for premiums)
-Disable fire extinguisher damage inside interiors because some trash pscyhopath players always abusing it cuz they can't buy normal weapons they get extuinguisher and hunting anybody who enters or make it possible to break the stuck animation like it used to be by using /run 1 for example.

-Make the higher your meth cooking skill is the faster you can finish cooking, like it takes about 1 minute to finish cooking 5 alco patch so for example for every 1000 skills you can finish cooking faster by 1 second/alco patch up to 5000 skill limit.

-Add baseball bat and shovel to bonus items in iventory.(carry it on the back only for premiums)
Acceonit Level 69 15/11/2020 05:23 AM
Request UnBan I Suggest To remove This PermaBanned From Discord
Request UnBan
I Suggest To remove This PermaBanned From Discord
Wr3cK Legendary player Level 84 15/11/2020 06:33 AM
-We should be able to buy Park Ranger -Add Park Rannger in Ceo Works
-We should be able to buy Park Ranger

-Add Park Rannger in Ceo Works
rayzandika Level 34 15/11/2020 06:52 AM
[suggestion] 1. Add more items for apparel. Example: ConstructionHelmet, WhiteArmour, Vest, MotoXhelmet, JokeMask. 2. Change 'score' to showing Level, not showing money. 3. Add function for TITLE. example: - if player using title 'beach patrol', it will incrase exp and payout for job Beach Patrol. - if player using title 'pizza boy', it will incrase exp and payout for job Pizzaboy. 4. Add more weather. #Thanks :D (Sorry, i am not perfect in english) :D

1. Add more items for apparel. Example: ConstructionHelmet, WhiteArmour, Vest, MotoXhelmet, JokeMask.

2. Change 'score' to showing Level, not showing money.

3. Add function for TITLE.
- if player using title 'beach patrol', it will incrase exp and payout for job Beach Patrol.
- if player using title 'pizza boy', it will incrase exp and payout for job Pizzaboy.

4. Add more weather.

#Thanks :D

(Sorry, i am not perfect in english) :D
Grinza n00b Level 63 15/11/2020 04:16 PM
add new job : Limosine Driver !!
add new job : Limosine Driver !!
Robertissimo Level 72 15/11/2020 06:17 PM
add park ranger in /shop and southsanandreassuperautos page
add park ranger in /shop and southsanandreassuperautos page
budalica Nobody Special Level 50 15/11/2020 07:21 PM
Snack lady in office should be available as an upgrade, instead of instant 5HP, snacks should regenerate HP over time.
Snack lady in office should be available as an upgrade, instead of instant 5HP, snacks should regenerate HP over time.
Life does not provide equal welfare for all its residents.
Adis Illustrator Level 79 15/11/2020 07:22 PM
As this player said i'm also suggesting same thing because players are working a lot and they leave only ones that are far away or they don't leave any Park Ranger and there should be added upgrades for it in /shop like Nitro, wheels, armor and that things if it's not gonna be savable. That upgrade should last like one month and cost around 2 usd. And maybe NPCs should react slower when you find something in trunk of car while doing job Border Patrol.
add park ranger in /shop and southsanandreassuperautos page As this player said i'm also suggesting same thing because players are working a lot and they leave only ones that are far away or they don't leave any Park Ranger and there should be added upgrades for it in /shop like Nitro, wheels, armor and that things if it's not gonna be savable. That upgrade should last like one month and cost around 2 usd. And maybe NPCs should react slower when you find something in trunk of car while doing job Border Patrol.
Don't mess with rumi
budalica Nobody Special Level 50 15/11/2020 07:25 PM
Add armour to arms dealers
Add armour to arms dealers
Life does not provide equal welfare for all its residents.
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