



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!

if you want help me come here

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KhAliLjOk14 Legendary player Level 37 25/04/2020 06:07 AM
i have so many drop of fps in my game and pc its good for play this game with 60fps and i still play with 20-15fps and admins all time geve me kicked for bad conection but i dont have bad conection i have a bad fps so if you have solution to this problem write it here and thanks all <3
i have so many drop of fps in my game and pc its good for play this game with 60fps and i still play with 20-15fps and admins all time geve me kicked for bad conection but i dont have bad conection i have a bad fps so if you have solution to this problem write it here and thanks all <3
clairezane Experienced player Level 21 25/04/2020 06:33 AM
try ingame command /fpslimit 60
try ingame command /fpslimit 60
wizzard Legendary player Level 35 25/04/2020 06:38 AM
Hi, Please check out this thread if you have any problem with FPS drops or any other issue with your SA-MP.

Please check out this thread if you have any problem with FPS drops or any other issue with your SA-MP.
MindBlown Legendary player Level 75 25/04/2020 09:15 AM
Greetings, Try to use /fpslimit 90 and while in-game Press ESCAPE &gt; Options &gt; Display &gt; Advanced &gt; Frame limiter turn it OFF and Would you tell us what is your PC specs? and while playing the game turn off the un-necessary items using TASKMANAGER on computer. Hope this helps :) and i think there is a cleo file for the fix of fps drop tho
Greetings, Try to use /fpslimit 90 and while in-game Press ESCAPE > Options > Display > Advanced > Frame limiter turn it OFF and Would you tell us what is your PC specs? and while playing the game turn off the un-necessary items using TASKMANAGER on computer. Hope this helps :) and i think there is a cleo file for the fix of fps drop tho
Deanen Nobody Special Level 107 25/04/2020 12:37 PM
Hello, @KhAliLjOk14. The fps drop you might experience while playing is either due to modifications or simply because the frame limiter is turned ON. If you have any sort of mods, delete them. Also, turn off the frame limiter in the game options. If your computer is good enough to run the game on 60 fps, but you still play with low fps as you mentioned then it might be because of your outdated version of GPU. Make sure you update your GPU regularly, since outdated versions may lead to poor performance. Moreover, you'll need to clean and analyze your computer, malicious files can be the reason of your computer being slower than it should be. In addition, there are other applications to boost your FPS. You can look for them and choose a suitable one. You can use the fps booster each time you're about to play games, they'll pretty much end the process of unnecessary applications which will grant you a better performance. - Don't forget to follow the steps provided above, they are helpful. - Best of luck!
Hello, @KhAliLjOk14.
The fps drop you might experience while playing is either due to modifications or simply because the frame limiter is turned ON. If you have any sort of mods, delete them. Also, turn off the frame limiter in the game options.
If your computer is good enough to run the game on 60 fps, but you still play with low fps as you mentioned then it might be because of your outdated version of GPU. Make sure you update your GPU regularly, since outdated versions may lead to poor performance. Moreover, you'll need to clean and analyze your computer, malicious files can be the reason of your computer being slower than it should be. In addition, there are other applications to boost your FPS. You can look for them and choose a suitable one. You can use the fps booster each time you're about to play games, they'll pretty much end the process of unnecessary applications which will grant you a better performance.
- Don't forget to follow the steps provided above, they are helpful.

- Best of luck!
KhAliLjOk14 Legendary player Level 37 25/04/2020 03:52 PM
can i get a video guys ?
can i get a video guys ?
Ayman049 Legendary player Level 79 27/04/2020 02:04 PM
Turn your graphic to low
Turn your graphic to low
Applee Godfather Level 167 27/04/2020 03:48 PM
Hey there, try adjusting your game settings as shown below. GTA San Andreas settings: Press Esc > Go to Options > Then go to Display setup > 1) Brightness (Set it to 5 points) 2) Hude Mode > OFF Then Go to Advanced > 1) Draw distance (LOW > 0) 2) Frame Limiter (OFF) 3) Widescreen (OFF) 4) Visual FX Quality (LOW) 5) Anti Aliasing (OFF) 6) Resolution (800 x 600 x 32) In addition, make sure to update your drivers especially your graphic card's one | you can use Driver Booster to do so. (Google it)
Hey there, try adjusting your game settings as shown below.
GTA San Andreas settings:
Press Esc > Go to Options > Then go to Display setup >
1) Brightness (Set it to 5 points)
2) Hude Mode > OFF

Then Go to Advanced >
1) Draw distance (LOW > 0)
2) Frame Limiter (OFF)
3) Widescreen (OFF)
4) Visual FX Quality (LOW)
5) Anti Aliasing (OFF)
6) Resolution (800 x 600 x 32)

In addition, make sure to update your drivers especially your graphic card's one | you can use Driver Booster to do so. (Google it)
Trent24 Lead Administrator Boss Level 120 27/04/2020 10:23 PM
I'm not going to post some long suggestion, cause most options are already posted here, but I did want to let you know that just cause you get good FPS in the singleplayer version, doesn't mean you will get the same in multiplayer. When I first joined here, my system was terrible (a laptop lol), but it ran good in singleplayer. However, whenever I joined multiplayer, I had 20-25 FPS, because the server is much more demanding than singleplayer, since it must load all the players, activities, items, etc around you. Sometimes you can't do anything except upgrade, whether that means upgrading your current system or getting a new one.
I'm not going to post some long suggestion, cause most options are already posted here, but I did want to let you know that just cause you get good FPS in the singleplayer version, doesn't mean you will get the same in multiplayer. When I first joined here, my system was terrible (a laptop lol), but it ran good in singleplayer. However, whenever I joined multiplayer, I had 20-25 FPS, because the server is much more demanding than singleplayer, since it must load all the players, activities, items, etc around you. Sometimes you can't do anything except upgrade, whether that means upgrading your current system or getting a new one.
KhAliLjOk14 Legendary player Level 37 28/04/2020 12:24 AM
oh ty bro
oh ty bro
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