



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!


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Sever Gamer Level 4 04/01/2016 05:42 PM
Hello, my ingame name is Sever, a minute ago Nikzz banned me with reason acab. Can he tell me what that means?
Hello, my ingame name is Sever, a minute ago Nikzz banned me with reason acab. Can he tell me what that means?
iNikkz Legendary player Level 130 04/01/2016 05:49 PM
Sorry Paradox, you're perm banned here. :-(
Sorry Paradox, you're perm banned here. :-(
Sever Gamer Level 4 04/01/2016 05:57 PM
Well, I tought that I'm unbanned because my IP is not blocked since 5-6 months ago, but ok. I just wanted to play, i didn't do anything stupid or something like i used to do before. Whatever, do as you want, but I would be glad if you give me a chance.
Well, I tought that I'm unbanned because my IP is not blocked since 5-6 months ago, but ok. I just wanted to play, i didn't do anything stupid or something like i used to do before. Whatever, do as you want, but I would be glad if you give me a chance.
LSD Boss Level 92 04/01/2016 07:30 PM
If you genuinely thought you where un-banned, why would you create new game names and new web account?
If you genuinely thought you where un-banned, why would you create new game names and new web account?
Sever Gamer Level 4 04/01/2016 08:19 PM
Sever means north, i am north football team fan so thats why i changed name. I td few friends whats my name and about web acc when i try entering pass i never successful log in, idk why. And i were banned on S2 not S3?
Sever means north, i am north football team fan so thats why i changed name. I td few friends whats my name and about web acc when i try entering pass i never successful log in, idk why.
And i were banned on S2 not S3?
FrozenRS Godfather Level 112 04/01/2016 10:09 PM
You can just send us mail to if you dont remember your account or if you have a question. That not a good reason to create new account.
Sever means north, i am north football team fan so thats why i changed name. I td few friends whats my name and about web acc when i try entering pass i never successful log in, idk why. And i were banned on S2 not S3?You can just send us mail to if you dont remember your account or if you have a question.
That not a good reason to create new account.
Virdoo Legendary player Level 73 04/01/2016 10:09 PM
If you're permanently on one server, it means that you're banned on all servers without future discuss.
And i were banned on S2 not S3?
If you're permanently on one server, it means that you're banned on all servers without future discuss.

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Sever Gamer Level 4 04/01/2016 10:14 PM
Yeah, right... There were much guys like MacGyver who did much worse things than me to server and got few chances more, also if I remember good iNikzz was banned, idk was it perm ban, but now he became administrator. You didn't even gave me chance to prove if I changed, so how do you know that I'll do something bad?
Yeah, right... There were much guys like MacGyver who did much worse things than me to server and got few chances more, also if I remember good iNikzz was banned, idk was it perm ban, but now he became administrator.
You didn't even gave me chance to prove if I changed, so how do you know that I'll do something bad?
MinaToo Friendly Level 119 04/01/2016 10:16 PM
i Suggest you to Contact Any Adminstrator but if you Talk with theseus it would be better,Let The Admins Reply here if you Can have another chance or no, as M4estro's Fourm.
i Suggest you to Contact Any Adminstrator but if you Talk with theseus it would be better,Let The Admins Reply here if you Can have another chance or no, as M4estro's Fourm.
M4estro Godfather Level 110 04/01/2016 10:43 PM
Don't include M4estro and 'M4estro forum'. Because things which he did and i did aren't even close. But anyway as you and Negovan are only perm banned guys which didn't get chance maybe they can give you one. Only mistake which you did is that you ban evaded, there is a lot of things how you could ask an admin to unban you. Now try to message niCe or admin who banned you, you should get faster answer like this. Wish you luck about unbanning bro.
Don't include M4estro and 'M4estro forum'.
Because things which he did and i did aren't even close.
But anyway as you and Negovan are only perm banned guys which didn't get chance maybe they can give you one.
Only mistake which you did is that you ban evaded, there is a lot of things how you could ask an admin to unban you.
Now try to message niCe or admin who banned you, you should get faster answer like this.
Wish you luck about unbanning bro.

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