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Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!

EventSearching gold bars 1 #summer2024

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niCe Lead Manager Legendary player Level 339 13/07/2024 01:14 AM
On July 14th, you can search for gold bars on the servers. The reward for finding all 10 gold bars is $3,000,000! As always, sharing the locations of the gold bars is strictly forbidden.
On July 14th, you can search for gold bars on the servers. The reward for finding all 10 gold bars is $3,000,000!

As always, sharing the locations of the gold bars is strictly forbidden.
oooooo Nobody Special Level 45 13/07/2024 01:19 AM
cool, good luck to everyone, gold mmmmm
cool, good luck to everyone, gold mmmmm
What’s the smartest insect? A spelling bee!
NitroX1 Administrator Godfather Level 119 13/07/2024 01:20 AM
Thank you for providing us with another cool searching event! Are there any new mysteries planned?
Thank you for providing us with another cool searching event! Are there any new mysteries planned?
Playing since 2013.
niCe niCe Lead Manager 13/07/2024 01:41 AM
Yes, there will be new mysteries soon.
Yes, there will be new mysteries soon.
gordan Gamer Level 38 13/07/2024 01:35 AM
@niCe i have to ask, is the summer bonus typo going to get fixed? on the news it was promised that we are 50% and 25% for some specific activities, but instead they are all 20%
@niCe i have to ask, is the summer bonus typo going to get fixed? on the news it was promised that we are 50% and 25% for some specific activities, but instead they are all 20%
Licensure Licensure 13/07/2024 06:17 AM
Kimm Legendary player Level 82 13/07/2024 01:37 AM
GoldLuck everyone !
GoldLuck everyone !
sensa Level 25 13/07/2024 01:44 AM
GL everyone
GL everyone
farazi Helper Executioner Level 119 13/07/2024 04:49 AM
my favorite event :3 thanks a lot !
my favorite event :3 thanks a lot ! star_struck
Spirikitiks Friendly Level 72 13/07/2024 04:52 AM
free voucher also sirr😂🫶🏻
free voucher also sirr😂🫶🏻
Xtreme778 Xtreme778 13/07/2024 10:14 AM
Free voucher hhow when and where?
Free voucher hhow when and where?
DirtyImpala Bully Level 58 13/07/2024 05:52 AM
Let's bounce yeah!
Let's bounce yeah!
Cr34tive Helper Talkative Level 97 13/07/2024 06:23 AM
Let's gold!
Let's gold! clint19

Made by MiddleG123 MiddleG123
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