You can use Phone after pressing Y or typing /phone while stationary.
Use W A S D or arrows keys to navigate, spacebar to confirm, press Enter or F to go back or close phone.
This feature gives you a lot of useful and exciting functions such as Phonebook to call:
- Police, medic or taxi - to get help or ride from players are working as one.
- Mechanic to deliver your stored car or bike.
- Pegasus company which will deliver your boat or plane, if you have stored one in marina or hangar.
- Lester to locate vehicle you are looking for.
- Merryweather for airstrike or weapon drop, whenever you fell low on ammunation or need reach players on roofs.
- Brucie will deliver body armour nearby you.
- Fufu which will invite to your house a nice dancing girl, which in closer meeting will offer you something more than just a dance...
- List of players which you can sent text message (SMS) to.
Messages allows you to see messages sent to you and respond back SMS to players.
Organizer will show specific events, such as time when are regular server events or time of expiration of your properties and houses.
Minigames option allows you to see actual minigames in progress and join them.
Options are for phone settings to change theme, ringtone sound or turn off/on keypad tone sound.
There are also useful contacts to add to your phone can be found around San Andreas for example Emmet, can be found in Willowfield.