babayaga01: Nothing. I'm Clean. I Live In Liberty City Now.
No You've never been clean Yuvesh!
Officer Pulaski: Well What've we got here?
This is a weapon, Officer Pulaski, that was used to gun down a police officer not ten minutes ago. Officer Pendelbury. A fine man, I might add. You work fast!.
babayaga01: Nothing. I'm Clean. I Live In Liberty City Now.
No You've never been clean Yuvesh!
Officer Pulaski: Well What've we got here?
This is a weapon, Officer Pulaski, that was used to gun down a police officer not ten minutes ago. Officer Pendelbury. A fine man, I might add. You work fast!.
babayaga01: This ain't my gun!
Don't bullshit me, babayaga01!
Officer Pulaski: Yeah Don't bullshit him babayaga01!
[i]babayaga01:What do you want this time?
When we want you, we'll find you. In the meantime, try not to gun down any more officers of the law. See you 'round like a donut, babayaga01!
I promised it, so I delivered it!! Have a good one!
Have some donuts on the house too man!