Someone can call this guy to come soon on web As soon as possible pls
darkpataponAdvanced playerLevel 2320/06/2016 10:31 AM
Rhyian comeback please.. you are the first friend i meet on GTA, and you the one who teach me to play properties.. Please comeback.. its my old name (PataPataPon, Oxygenium, Cifeers) and now my nickname is HappyK, i hope you still remember me, and because you i play on gang triad too now. PLEASE COMEBACK AGAIN !!!
2013SiDLegendary playerLevel 8919/01/2016 04:11 AM
As soon as possible
Please comeback.. its my old name (PataPataPon, Oxygenium, Cifeers) and now my nickname is HappyK, i hope you still remember me, and because you i play on gang triad too now. PLEASE COMEBACK AGAIN !!!