



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!

Forum posts (23)

gta samp crashes

My pc got reset and I downloaded gta, when I start gta it works but as soon as I start samp and try to join the server my game crashes. Anyone know how to fix this?
I dont have any mods or anything related to that.

--- Apply for helper ---

Age: 16 Languages: Dutch(native speaker), English(learning over 5 years). Total gaming time on the server: 729hours Gaming time per day: 2-6 hours Registration on web: 14/06/2015 Server: Welcome to Los Santos 2( I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First post in this thread.


so if u swear and spam and shit, ur allowed to do things against the rules???

--- Apply for helper ---

Age: 16 Languages: Dutch(native speaker), English learning over 5 years. Total gaming time on the server: 687 Hours Gaming time per day: 2-6 Hours Registration on web: 14/06/2015 Server: San Andreas 2 ( I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First post in this thread.

Bug reports on web

I saw that aswell, It happened this night, yesterday it was normal.

Suggestions on SA-MP

Bring back old property system, Where it was alot expensiver but higher revenue and it lasts for 24 hours, after those 24 hours the owner gets his property money back

Suggestions on SA-MP

Add a marketplace where people can add houses or vehicles for a price they want, then other people can do /market for example and buy a house or vehicle using /market. the owner of the item will recieve his money the next time he logs in.

Suggestions on SA-MP

Add something to avoid /q

--- Apply for helper ---

Age: 15 Languages: Dutch(native speaker), English learning over 5 years. Total gaming time on the server: 619 Hours Gaming time per day: 2-6 Hours Registration on web: 14/06/2015 Server: San Andreas 2 ( I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First post in this thread.

My game lags

I used to play on the same pc i did like a year ago and i didn’t had any problems then.
When I come to play again these days my game lags a lot.
Anyone knows something about this?

Anti lag

Anyone knows how to fix lag or fps boost?

--- Apply for helper ---

Apply for helper in s2 Age: 15 years Languages: Dutch, English(learning 5 years) Total gaming time on the server: 560+ hours Gaming time per day: 1-4 hours, weekends 2-6 hours Registration on web: 14/06/2015 Server: San Andreas 2 ( I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First Post in this thread.

--- Apply for helper ---

Apply for helper in s2 Age: 15 years Languages: Dutch, English(learning 5 years) Total gaming time on the server: 560+ hours Gaming time per day: 3-5 hours, weekends 3-8 hours Registration on web: 14/06/2015 Server: San Andreas 2 ( I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First post in this thread.

--- Apply for helper ---

Age: 15 years
Languages: Dutch native speaker, English(learning 5 years), Deutsch(learning 2 years) And French(learning 3 years)
Total gaming time on the server: 500+ hours
Gaming time per day: 3-7
Registration on web: 14/06/2015
Server: San Andreas 2 (
I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First post in this thread.

Suggestions on SA-MP

My suggestion is for /top
Since i'm doing lots of lottery, I want to have a /top for: Most lottery win or Most money won in lottery/

Thanks for reading.

Nichellex unbanned?

Nevermind, Feel free to lock it he told me he would back me 3.5m and he did so.

Nichellex unbanned?

I posted a thread about he scammed me, He got banned for that and today I saw him online?
Someone explain me.

Scammed by NicheLLeX

It's fine if I won't get my money back, But he deserves a punishment

Scammed by NicheLLeX

There should be a punishment for scamming because, it's still bad and something u shouldn't do.

Scammed by NicheLLeX

I know it's my own risk but still it's bad and not allowed because he also did it multiple times.

1 2

About Rakz:

I'm 16 years old.
Old player from 2013, Old account got deleted because it was inactive[forgot to link]

Registered: 14/06/2015

Logged in: 21/01/2022

Recently played

3 years ago - Played 15 minutes

Most gaming time

734 hours and 35 minutes

Recent achievements

Create a screenshot with 100 views Completed 11/03/2019
Create a screenshot with 50 views Completed 11/06/2018
Receive 10 likes Completed 10/06/2018