



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!

Forum posts (94)


Thanks for answer admin you can close this thread


What type of answers is that, like u told me go do research and tell me what u found, am asking because admin didnt know and told me to do a thread and ask ! is it bannable to play in 2 servers at the same time ?


Is it illegal to play in 2 server at the same time for example s2 and s3 at the same moment ?


Yesterday i was in server for 16hr+ at the end of the day i left my pc, today when i woke up to check i found it 0% ?? like i been playing 16hrs yesterday to find nothin today ? idk what happen i wish if i can get 70-80% non stop back cuz am not free again to stay 17hr in server

Report player 27/01/2025
Report 11/01/2025
Issue with tokens

I didnt play for long time like 5months when i came back i discovered no more tokens from nonstop and i have 49token so there is a 4 useless tokens is there a way i can get 1token so it turn to 50 ?

Bug reports on SA-MP

niCe i"ve been requesting for long time please remove this damn afk check in pilot job am tired dying every time doing this damn job !

Bug reports on SA-MP

its smooth but try to run job and go far from airport and get off the airplane and get in again, it will give u checkpoint to airport like u left and joined job again

Bug reports on SA-MP

When i do pilot job i get into checkpoint to load as soon i get off the plan and get in "the load is full" it give me checkpoint in airport again to reload so it shouldnt i should give me the rings but it counts like i just started the job and i have to go take load from airport while plan is full !


Is there any specific Dns works well with wstls servers ?

100 % bonus

SUmmer bonus will last all summer ? which means untill 22 september ?

Selling or buying on SA-MP

Buying Server 2 Fully tuned Security Van without (scoop/rare liveries) Message me on Web

epilson mission issue

oh my bad i was trying to say 5 hotdog skills

epilson mission issue

I have to gain 5 epsilon skills with other player , i did it but it didnt count ! what i should do ?

Bug reports on SA-MP

I was eating inside pizza shop , a guy came and sprayed me with fire extinguisher until death while preforming eating animation which i cant cancel and also inside a interior i guess i supposed not to get damaged in that case

Question for admin

"Lick my coc" is mutable ?

Non stop

I wanna talk on behalf of many players , i know server have many issues right now but we going all to lose out Non stop bonus which i and many players used to logging in 2 times a day regularly to only avoid losing it , so i hope server can do something about it , we busy right now to play 18 or 24hr again to get it !

Report 23/07/2024
Report 23/07/2024
1 2 3 4 5

About amine1:

~~~~~~~~~ Wtls 2 ~~~~~~~~
⚔ 2018 Player ⚔
★★★ Chief of police ★★★ ⌛

☀ 500 Skill in every Job ⌛
☀ 1000 Skill in every job ⌛

☀ 10,000,000... (more)

Registered: 23/01/2018

Logged in: 13/03/2025

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Create a screenshot with 100 views Completed 23/07/2024
Receive 10 likes Completed 02/07/2024
Make 50 posts on the forums Completed 15/06/2024