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M4estro Kmotr

Příspěvky na fóru (462)


Hello President, Can you say as which weapons did you have and how did you lose it, did you crashed/left server? If your weapons aren't worth 100k or more you won't be refunded.

Bug reports on SA-MP

I am not sure is this bug but when you are at event and you crash/quit after joining back you don't have your weapons.

Hope this can he fixed.

Cant Connect To The Server

Hello WellGhostIsMyName, It seems like your IP has been blocked by one of administrators probably due to a lot of registred accounts on it or you broke one of rules. You can purchase unban from Game shop or wait 30 days to be unbanned. Anyway lets wait for one of admins to replay.

Didnt get car color

Hello ORione, Are you sure you bought carcolor for correct server, because there are 3 servers(if you were buying from web), if you were buying in-game then you should check /carinfo before buying carcolor to any vehicle as you maybe can't add color to it. Can you atleast say us at which vehicle you tried to add carcolor?


Hello Muneeb, Its your fault because that money has been sold to someone, anyway to get money back is to ask that player to send you money back, in other case refund aren't possible. And thats isn't way to check is money hidden or not, you can ask other player/friend to say you can he see your money at /webmoney or check it here at your settings on web.

Madds Harassing Me

So you see because you aren't premium he can easily find you.
Then its your problem if he doesn't want to fight with micros and combat, you should buy mg too or try to hide somwhere when he is in game.

Madds Harassing Me

Hello SpeeDer, First as nemaAsko said if you were in gang then he can kill you without any reason, about harrasment if i am not wrong you have premium and you can hide somwhere, or go to your house at least. NOTE: Harrasment isn't 2-3 kills dude, this is GTA San andreas so grow up, buy weapons and deffend yourself, if you can't leave or hide somwhere. He isn't alowed to teleport to you and he probably didn't do that!

Suggestions on SA-MP

Hello all,

I would like to suggest some kind of chat like team chat for 2 different teams on team deathmatch events so players could talk there instead of spamming in local chat.

Thanks for reading.

why lost my hotring FT in s2

Hello jm1223, Did you saved your hotring at your house, if not Hotring probably was removed by server. If you knew you have high ping why didn't you wait a little bit time, also when you are buying vehicle you should buy it near your house so i won't lose it. Anyway lets wait for admins to check logs and maybe refund you.

wtf i got banned

Hello LiOnBeRrIes, Are you sure you are banned, at least you should try restart your router because maybe its only your connection. If it's still not working then you are banned, one of reason could be a lot registred accounts at your IP, or your broke one of rules. Anyway lets wait for admins replay. If you are banned you will be unbanned in 30 days unless you purchase unban at Game shop.

Speed hack at S2

Hello all, I am here to report player MKhairey for speed hack which he used to arrest players. NOTE: This isn't his first time. Proof, just look at his marker on map.


Hello najee666, Money probably has been reseted because of hackers which used money hack and send money to other players. You'll be refunded for money which you lost, so just be patient and wait for niCe to check it.

Comments to updates on SA-MP

Yeah i think it is, i noticed that yestrday. It is like 15 minuts or 20, i am not sure

ban expired , still banned

Hello Stagalj, Are you sure you didn't evade your ban as i can see you played before 5 days and also before 15 days, so... But i found at this thread that you will be unbanned 3rd january which is today, so you'll be automactly unbanned at midnight.

Full Tuned Bloodring Banger

Hello Trident, Well are you sure you stored it, if you are 100% percent sure then there was probably some bug at server side so you should wait for one of admins to replay. Its impossible to cars to be unlocked if he saved it at his house, don't make non sense comments.

Can it be solved?

Hello Suvam, Thanks for sending your traceroute, our head admin niCe will try his best to help you. Just one thing if you have already created one thread here you don't need to make new one. So please read Forum rules one more time.

Account Forgot

Hello ShipyLardo, Only way to get your web account password is by your email address, when you are about to login at web and enter your username then click at forgot password and password will be sent to your email. If you don't know password of email then simple link game account at this web account. I am not sure but you can try message head admin niCe and maybe he can give you password.

Thanks (VolCanO)

Hello VolCanO, I can see you have been playing before 6 days at Server 2 if you are talking about that server. Now about your ban, maybe you aren't banned, try restart your router and see if it still says "You are banned". If you are still banned then you probably broke one of rules because admins don't ban without reason. Maybe your IP has been range banned if there is a lot of registred accounts on it. So you can purchage an unban from Game shop or wait 30 days to be unbanned. Anyway lets wait for admins replay.

Unban me please

Are you sure your last play is at 2013?, because i can see you have registred account before 3 hours.

Unban me please

Hello jounnis20, You don't need to make multiple threads as you have made already one here. You probably did somthing wrong to server so thats why you are banned. Just wait for admins replay, they aren't robots, they have life too, its New Year dude!

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O uživateli M4estro:

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Registrován: 28.6.2013

Přihlášen: 24.1.2018

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