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Madds Harassing Me

SpeeDer Level 55 5.1.2015 12:20
he is killling me every time i go from hospital to ammo wtf is this ? me and my friend killed him and went for star to evade so after 15-20 sec he was on the other side of SF with weps armour and mg to kill us. and again i was killed by Madds. is admin allowed to teleport everytime he want and kill players ? i think its not right :X
he is killling me every time i go from hospital to ammo wtf is this ? me and my friend killed him and went for star to evade so after 15-20 sec he was on the other side of SF with weps armour and mg to kill us. and again i was killed by Madds.

is admin allowed to teleport everytime he want and kill players ? i think its not right :X
nemaAsko Lupič Level 77 5.1.2015 12:23
Wait if you're in gang he can kill you infinite times and that wont be harrasing, but if you're not in gang that's harrasing. Admin can teleport to a player to check if he uses any hacks I guess
Wait if you're in gang he can kill you infinite times and that wont be harrasing, but if you're not in gang that's harrasing.
Admin can teleport to a player to check if he uses any hacks I guess
Đỡ ñổț åťẗáčķ мэ, āņд γðù ψιιḻ ñøẗ ěṿɇἢ ḍἵḗ ¡¡¡
M4estro Kmotr Level 110 5.1.2015 12:26
Hello SpeeDer, First as nemaAsko said if you were in gang then he can kill you without any reason, about harrasment if i am not wrong you have premium and you can hide somwhere, or go to your house at least. NOTE: Harrasment isn't 2-3 kills dude, this is GTA San andreas so grow up, buy weapons and deffend yourself, if you can't leave or hide somwhere. He isn't alowed to teleport to you and he probably didn't do that!
Hello SpeeDer,

First as nemaAsko said if you were in gang then he can kill you without any reason, about harrasment if i am not wrong you have premium and you can hide somwhere, or go to your house at least.
NOTE: Harrasment isn't 2-3 kills dude, this is GTA San andreas so grow up, buy weapons and deffend yourself, if you can't leave or hide somwhere.

is admin allowed to teleport everytime he want and kill players ? i think its not right He isn't alowed to teleport to you and he probably didn't do that!

SpeeDer Level 55 5.1.2015 12:35
M4estro i am not kid and Not premium too :) he doesnt want to kill with micro or tec or combat he shoots mg every time :X
M4estro i am not kid and Not premium too :) he doesnt want to kill with micro or tec or combat he shoots mg every time :X
M4estro Kmotr Level 110 5.1.2015 12:38
So you see because you aren't premium he can easily find you. Then its your problem if he doesn't want to fight with micros and combat, you should buy mg too or try to hide somwhere when he is in game.
So you see because you aren't premium he can easily find you.
Then its your problem if he doesn't want to fight with micros and combat, you should buy mg too or try to hide somwhere when he is in game.

Crystallis Nikdo Vyjímečný Level 91 5.1.2015 12:47
I'm sure Madds isn't abusing his powers just to kill you, that wouldn't make any sense at all. Also, it's not really harassment - you're not the only one he's killing - it's not like he's chasing you around all the map. I can understand if you get frustrated, however Madds haven't done anything wrong.
I'm sure Madds isn't abusing his powers just to kill you, that wouldn't make any sense at all. Also, it's not really harassment - you're not the only one he's killing - it's not like he's chasing you around all the map.

I can understand if you get frustrated, however Madds haven't done anything wrong.

Malefactor Administrátor Level 123 5.1.2015 13:14
Locking this thread till administrator reply.
Locking this thread till administrator reply.
Tyson Legendární hráč Level 100 5.1.2015 17:13
1. If someone kill you 3 times, it's not harassment so name of the thread doesn't make any sense. (you have killed him as well so it's quite cheeky from you) 2. If any administrator has any suspicion about player (which he did after you had been reported several times) he can use his admin power to check the player if he is breaking the rules, or not. Thats his work. 3. As you proved like an hour ago (Administrator Blackbeatz kicked BigDaddy for 5 minutes: flyhack uninstall your cheats / hacks) suspicion was right. Sorry but for me it's quite insolent behavior to make thread like that one, as you were kicked for cheating an hour ago. Thead is being locked now.
1. If someone kill you 3 times, it's not harassment so name of the thread doesn't make any sense. (you have killed him as well so it's quite cheeky from you)

2. If any administrator has any suspicion about player (which he did after you had been reported several times) he can use his admin power to check the player if he is breaking the rules, or not. Thats his work.

3. As you proved like an hour ago (Administrator Blackbeatz kicked BigDaddy for 5 minutes: flyhack uninstall your cheats / hacks) suspicion was right.

Sorry but for me it's quite insolent behavior to make thread like that one, as you were kicked for cheating an hour ago.

Thead is being locked now.
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