“I've killed you many times with micro Im not counting my chainsaw kills plus I had some fps drop issues which I'm not using it as an exuse you are the one who lagging which makes u not take prop dmg and you already know it that you have some trash ping stop lying yourself”Lmfao stop lying lol ik inside who is lying dont worry i'll make another video on you ;)
“Lmfao stop lying dude you never killed me in fair fight lol stop lying hahaah I killed you many times without dying and i proved it i'm better then you Post your clips if you ever killed me with micro you garbage”I've killed you many times with micro Im not counting my chainsaw kills plus I had some fps drop issues which I'm not using it as an exuse you are the one who lagging which makes u not take prop dmg and you already know it that you have some trash ping stop lying yourself
Rumi92Experienced playerLevel 9901/06/2022 04:55 AM
“it doesnt make any sense posting these gang fights I've killed u so manyh times in 1v1s with micro the day u posted this and u made exuses oh my mouse laggs just dont fight mate you was the one lagging with a droping ping”Lmfao stop lying dude you never killed me in fair fight lol stop lying hahaah I killed you many times without dying and i proved it i'm better then you Post your clips if you ever killed me with micro you garbage
“Mad after watching yourself dying many times and running to ammu in this video ?”it doesnt make any sense posting these gang fights I've killed u so manyh times in 1v1s with micro the day u posted this and u made exuses oh my mouse laggs just dont fight mate you was the one lagging with a droping ping
“Show the clips that I've killed you”You talkin about chainsaw kills ? “lIKE CHECK HIS GOD DAM FACEBOOK HE LOOKS LIKE HE BREATHS FROM WTLS”Why didn't send me friend request ? ;) “And dont post shitty videos to get a peac of fame”Mad after watching yourself dying many times and running to ammu in this video ?
“I have not fallen to that level yet, don't compare yourself to me, you were the one who called a friend to help you beef against me, and here you are saying that im calling my friends lol, why would i do that, he has his own opinion and you are clearly brainless, anyone and i repeat ANYONE can see that.”Please don't giving him attention fam He's just a wannabe thats all lIKE CHECK HIS GOD DAM FACEBOOK HE LOOKS LIKE HE BREATHS FROM WTLS
You're a lagger what I mean about that its that ur ping drops from 350 to 205 to 150 you dogshit Show the clips that I've killed you And dont post shitty videos to get a peac of fame
plus I had some fps drop issues which I'm not using it as an exuse you are the one who lagging which makes u not take prop dmg and you already know it that you have some trash ping stop lying yourself”Lmfao stop lying lol ik inside who is lying dont worry i'll make another video on you ;)
I killed you many times without dying and i proved it i'm better then you
Post your clips if you ever killed me with micro you garbage”I've killed you many times with micro Im not counting my chainsaw kills
plus I had some fps drop issues which I'm not using it as an exuse you are the one who lagging which makes u not take prop dmg and you already know it that you have some trash ping stop lying yourself
I killed you many times without dying and i proved it i'm better then you
Post your clips if you ever killed me with micro you garbage
“And dont post shitty videos to get a peac of fame”Mad after watching yourself dying many times and running to ammu in this video ?
He's just a wannabe thats all
Show the clips that I've killed you
And dont post shitty videos to get a peac of fame