LMAO watched my others video? the guy evil joker was accusing me of aimbot in other server so i recorded+ you said ''Nice skills'' and now calling this self bust Are you retarded?
Scared To get ban ??” Having good aim doesn't mean you cheating,also you see these skills every day and bcz 1 called me a cheater means im a cheater LOL Let's fix the problem in pms?
SamimouLegendary playerLevel 4101/04/2021 04:25 AM
Hahha i watch it for the first time i didn't notice your aim
Are you retarded?
Scared To get ban ??” Having good aim doesn't mean you cheating,also you see these skills every day and bcz 1 called me a cheater means im a cheater LOL Let's fix the problem in pms?
Scared To get ban ??