




Post the funny things you saw here.

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Andromeda Outlaw Level 106 12/12/2015 11:48 AM
Hello. I saw a thread like this in CZ forum. There are a lot of players which can not speak CZ (like me) and they can not see that thread. So i wanted to create a thread like that in English forums. :) I will start. For admins: If you think this thread is uselles , please delete it.
Hello. I saw a thread like this in CZ forum. There are a lot of players which can not speak CZ (like me) and they can not see that thread. So i wanted to create a thread like that in English forums. :)

I will start.

For admins: If you think this thread is uselles , please delete it.
BigDawg69 BigDawg69 19/02/2024 02:18 AM
Pisssou Level 115 12/12/2015 01:25 PM
There was already a thread of this kind called 'Funny & Silly' unfortunately it was locked due to spam, from players posting funny stuff everyday etc... Well, let's just hope this thread doesn't get locked because it's funny to see these kind of images :P Anyway, here are some old funny stuff i found :P
There was already a thread of this kind called 'Funny & Silly' unfortunately it was locked due to spam, from players posting funny stuff everyday etc...

Well, let's just hope this thread doesn't get locked because it's funny to see these kind of images :P

Anyway, here are some old funny stuff i found :P

Mano Level 183 12/12/2015 02:04 PM
I remember having a thread like this back ages ago. It's goal was simple, to share moments either on the server or the website you deemed funny. What it turned into was players going out of their way to find content and post it in the thread for the sole purpose of defaming said player. So we had to close the thread down. That being said, I will give you the benefit of the doubt. If everyone on staff agrees, I will leave it open so you can share your experience with others. If it turns into a place where players seek to defame or make other uncomfortable, you can be sure we'll lock it. Pissou those were actually pretty amazing screenshots.
I remember having a thread like this back ages ago. It's goal was simple, to share moments either on the server or the website you deemed funny. What it turned into was players going out of their way to find content and post it in the thread for the sole purpose of defaming said player. So we had to close the thread down.

That being said, I will give you the benefit of the doubt. If everyone on staff agrees, I will leave it open so you can share your experience with others. If it turns into a place where players seek to defame or make other uncomfortable, you can be sure we'll lock it.

Pissou those were actually pretty amazing screenshots.
Kajmak Headhunter Level 88 12/12/2015 02:13 PM
I've got lots of them, including some from other games on my screenshots page
I've got lots of them, including some from other games on my screenshots page

niCe please put an autocannon on the stuntplane
Mex Level 109 12/12/2015 06:27 PM
Kik = Kick :D
Kik = Kick :D
Panda2018 Legendary player Level 103 12/12/2015 08:03 PM
Best one so far :)
[03:47:04]Jesus has been kicked for walking in water

Best one so far :)
ODCAMT ODCAMT 19/01/2024 03:58 PM
Lol lmao
Lol lmao
Slami Legendary player Level 63 12/12/2015 08:17 PM
I rememper one but unfortuantly i couldnt record or screenshot , zocki bought 500 ammo mg in his house after that his mouse out of controol and it started to waste every single ammo , that moment i laughed tell night.
I rememper one but unfortuantly i couldnt record or screenshot , zocki bought 500 ammo mg in his house after that his mouse out of controol and it started to waste every single ammo , that moment i laughed tell night.
Gunner Film maker Level 124 12/12/2015 08:17 PM
Hunting sharks underwater :O Banana fly power!!!!! The dealer got a premium account.. :'/ Corazon really needs a gym trainer to learn him where to sit! xD
Hunting sharks underwater :O

Banana fly power!!!!!

The dealer got a premium account.. :'/

Corazon really needs a gym trainer to learn him where to sit! xD
xArasH xArasH 13/05/2024 09:45 AM
Anubiss Film maker Level 97 12/12/2015 08:42 PM
Wait a second. . .That's my jetpack!

Wait a second. . .That's my jetpack!
Mex Level 109 12/12/2015 09:11 PM
Bad Story :(
Bad Story :(
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