




This is non-sense

Fotix Legendary player Level 32 29/06/2024 04:52 PM
Okay, now everybody know that in chat all of the players are being toxic, they are getting muted, we know that. Buut, all of the players are calling each others rats, calling other even worse in animal types and words, while admins are online, and they did not get muted. And now, of course, when i saw everyone saying rat in chat, i said it to someone in PM's, since admins were online all of the damn time and they did not get muted, but of course, since it's me, when i say it in PM'S, i get muted, god damn that's insane. Now let me cut it for you, here is your response: " Well, you should've /report the players who said the word or ignore them " or " You should not call someone a rat this is toxic ", god damn this is stupid how was i supposed to know when everyone is toxic in chat in slightly offensive way and not getting muted since the admins are sleeping? or even worse, its just the word "rat", it's not even offensive this is non-sense. I'm not looking for a damn unmute or something since it's only 10 mins, this is just getting out of hand, i always try to not post on web since everytime y'all start saying the same crap all over again, but this is getting annoying. Lock the thread or something i dont want a response since i can't do anything about it as always. Thanks for your time.
Okay, now everybody know that in chat all of the players are being toxic, they are getting muted, we know that.
Buut, all of the players are calling each others rats, calling other even worse in animal types and words, while admins are online, and they did not get muted.

And now, of course, when i saw everyone saying rat in chat, i said it to someone in PM's, since admins were online all of the damn time and they did not get muted, but of course, since it's me, when i say it in PM'S, i get muted, god damn that's insane.

Now let me cut it for you, here is your response: " Well, you should've /report the players who said the word or ignore them " or " You should not call someone a rat this is toxic ", god damn this is stupid how was i supposed to know when everyone is toxic in chat in slightly offensive way and not getting muted since the admins are sleeping? or even worse, its just the word "rat", it's not even offensive this is non-sense.

I'm not looking for a damn unmute or something since it's only 10 mins, this is just getting out of hand, i always try to not post on web since everytime y'all start saying the same crap all over again, but this is getting annoying. Lock the thread or something i dont want a response since i can't do anything about it as always.

Thanks for your time.
Parker Lead Administrator Photographer Level 135 29/06/2024 04:54 PM
This thread has been locked.