



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!
xPanda Experienced player
xPanda has reached level 60 09:36 AM
xPanda posted a comment to wtls interactions 09:36 AM
loved it
xPanda liked a video 09:34 AM
wtls interactions a few dumb videos I captured during the day. And I mean no hate if someone gets hurt by the sound at...
xPanda posted a comment to MY LOW BUDGET SETUP 09:33 AM
nice one dude
xPanda liked a screenshot 09:32 AM
MY LOW BUDGET SETUP And if you noticed... I have an original copy of GTA SA... I'm not "WAREZ" :D
xPanda posted a comment to BossOfGroveStreet 09:31 AM
On top
xPanda liked a screenshot 09:31 AM
xPanda liked a screenshot 09:30 AM
with my bro mechanic kartar singh owner of san fierro helicopter repair shop
xPanda posted a comment to hachiman on s2 09:30 AM
nice aim
xPanda added a wall post to xPanda 09:16 AM
I dont wanna translate that

Wall (167)

xPanda Experienced player Level 60 02/03/2025 09:16 AM
I dont wanna translate that
THANO5 Scam Artist Level 85 22/02/2025 04:11 AM
मेरे प्यारे मित्र xpandya

मुझे उम्मीद है कि तुम स्वस्थ और खुशहाल होगे। काफ़ी समय हो गया तुमसे बात किए हुए, इसलिए सोचा कि तुम्हें एक पत्र लिखूं। तुम्हारी दोस्ती हमेशा खास रही है, और तुम्हारे साथ बिताए गए मज़ेदार पल आज भी याद आते हैं।

कैसा चल रहा है सबकुछ? कोई नया रोमांचक किस्सा या अनुभव? तुम्हारी बातें सुनना हमेशा दिलचस्प होता है, इसलिए जब भी समय मिले, जरूर लिखना या कॉल करना।

अपना ख्याल रखना और जुड़े रहना। जल्द ही मुलाकात हो!

तुम्हारा दोस्त,
thanos sharma
Sphinx95 Level 79 16/02/2025 11:35 AM
Unfollow me?????
Sphinx95 Level 79 11/02/2025 07:39 PM
Hello Faraz
Vensinzo Legendary player Level 46 10/02/2025 11:21 PM
Moonchild panda panda
Triki Outlaw Level 71 10/02/2025 12:01 PM
Sweat Car like Sweat guyclint4
SIRAT Level 31 27/01/2025 08:33 PM
MoonChild eyes
Sphinx95 Level 79 21/01/2025 09:02 PM
İ just bought premium today :/
Sphinx95 Level 79 17/01/2025 08:51 PM
Panda panda panda
LindseyWrzosek Illustrator Level 54 16/01/2025 06:23 PM
I see
Show comments 11-20 of 167

About xPanda:

xPanda Amor Aoife MoonChild Ruger

Registered: 15/09/2020

Logged in: 03/03/2025

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Create a video with 500 views Completed 30/10/2023
Make 50 posts on the forums Completed 16/10/2023
Receive 100 likes Completed 12/10/2023