there are 100 % bonuses in server right now. if u have any other problemm feel free to message me
18/12/2021u can go to ammu-nation select the m4 gun, then u can select blue tint > and u can change it for free. If u have any other queries message me.
16/12/2021X2Y876mjs: once while playing csgo being backstabbed angered me i beat my keyboard and my chat was on. these
words were typed. and i loved it
First thing learn how to post a ban appeal from here : Next you use aimbot and many admins were reported by me and other player so they caught u. wait 30 days and remove your cheats or after 5 days buy unban from webshop Edit: techdude was a minute or 2 faster than me
14/12/2021I am having the same problem i just reconnect to my wifi and it gets fix and sometimes after server restart it gets fixed too, otherwise it goes slow down to 0.xx from 15-20
01/12/20218 hours no response ?
I can pay with other ,method.
is there any chance if domestic cards can be used for payment?
Thread can be locked
The google pay payment method redirects to go pay, not google pay. Is it debit card or anything else
27/11/2021Hello a player named hacku started a voting whould hydra and hunter be saved.
i commented that hacku where your keekai genkai and got muted i didnt said anything in other langugae.
In naruto(a anime) haku has a kekai genkai
i just asked him but xero muted me
i was talking to my friend in hindi and i said "thandi shuru hoo gayi" it means has winter started. but the server thought i was saying gay and i got muted
15/11/2021I used 1k around DP which I used to buy 6 dealers and guns before the restart but after the restart, I lost DP and I don't have dealers and guns
12/03/2021s2 is more better than s3 it would be good for changing s2 to asia as Phillippines and Indains, Pakistanis, etc. face ping issues
10/03/2021my suggestion is to add an interior for garages, inside garages we can purchase parking platforms and save multiple vehicles there, and for a vehicle which has more height like sandking must have another location for saving it pls take this suggestion hardly
24/02/2021We can purchase headphones or earphones in electric boulevard so that we can listen to the radio while not in the vehicle. You can choose radio through your phone
09/02/2021Registered: 18/06/2020
Logged in: 28/10/2024