was referred to this: https://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/blogs/the-player-guide/random-packages/
Thanks, for that other link.
EDIT: I would really appreciate if there is the opportunity to add information regarding the odds.
I would appreciate a fully updated list of random packages prices,
Thanks in advance.
I bought hunter and my connection crashed, once i logged back the hunter keep spawn and despawn over and over and now it disappered. also i bought vehicle repair but the vehicle didnt repair.
05/04/2020I bought hunter in shop after server restart and then it disappeared by role back, then I bought one more and server restart again, I repeated the procedure and bought one more and again server restart.
Totally lost 3 hunters a 0,20 euro totally 0,6 euro.
haha thats acctually hillarious and alittle bit cute if they for real reporting cheats in lottery just becouse they cant handle the loss.
08/02/2020Dang mate did work, appreciate your time and thanks for add sulution for the thread for other people who might get same problem!
10/01/2018Thank you Insane, but still doesnt work. Its no rush i'll just wait.
10/01/2018Hi there, i would like to purchase shopmoney, but it says like this "You have entered invalid PayPal account!" its the first time i ever see this and i cant find any other threads about it. thankfull for answers.
" but I really not using any cheats it's un-stable internet " dang bro nice jokes :D
its really a victory for server and its gives hope in every fair player, after seen all this acting from this guy i cant agree more
"You are permanently banned from our game servers for cheating and unacceptable behaviour. Your account is also removed, goodbye."
Bon appetit Karma
That warning sign telling you that its possible to contact staff support in order to increase the amount of purchases. another way can be to buy larger amount instead of loads of small everytime!
/ String
So im pretty sure i bought premium 30 days but did not get it anyhow thats all i remeber. and i think you have to go back like 3 days in loggs to find it!
Thanks / Stringz
I have to be honest i was very drunk when i did this i can be wrong also but feels like it went more usd then i got items :D
27/08/2017Hiya, I bought some shit in shop yesterday and im pretty sure i lost usd but did not get anything im not sure would appreciate if someone could check it up!
Edit: I did get most of what i bought but should be something more but i could be wrong. Eng 2 (Stringz) server 3
Merci Monseiur
Chicken as i can see and what i know you are innocent, but stop being a fool make multiple threads and spam all the threads you will be banned on the website, Just relax be patient and wait! :)
06/08/2017Hiya, Bought 20$ with paypal money went away but did not get any usd / String
Lazer: No paypal goes instantly if your pal pal account have $ i never seen this problem before, only bank transfer niCe must wait untill money arrive.
Seriosly? I never playing unless my account linked and bound to my account do you really think i would be that dumb, i've played this long time mate. And its only you who does this whitout talking before, becouse if you cant remeber i will remind you about last time you did this to me and my family members, ban all on both game account and web account so we couln't defend ourself in your accuse.
EDIT: And like i said, i dont know what you talking about (Joker) never been bound to my account and never heard of it. You are crazy, so i PM nice make this decission, so you can drop and lock this thread mate.
Yes i can, but first of all, why you banning people whitout put reason for it? Kereroz old eng 1 account wich administrator deleted for me so i could link my previous account that you banned "gnollz" and tranquilla my CZ server name? that JoKeR i have no idea what you're talking about? why do you seeking reasons and just banning without even talk to players, shame mano corrupted like always.
02/10/2016Good evening, It says when im logging on im banned by administrator Mano. I did nothing and it doesnt tell me any reason why, My name is (Gnollz)
02/10/2016Registered: 27/09/2012
Logged in: 08/05/2020
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