It isnt fast, I replaced the skin files, on the server I looked like Maccer, but for the video I was this skin.
07/02/2017Not only is this absolute shit, you recorded your own aimbot in the last fight. Anyone with the right number of chromosomes can see you are using a skin aimbot lmao. The first fight had the worst aim ive ever seen, then you have picture perfect aim in the last fight lmao.
12/12/2016The comment section is for comments, you dont have to "ask" to get comments. Im just a bit confused on how you are bored, so you upload an entire youtube video, just to share it here when its shit lmao.
26/10/2016Horrible quality, no editing done whatsoever, pure laziness, and only 2 kills that were just burst fire sprays. I dont think ive seen a worse CS:GO video.
25/10/2016Nice but how about a new title: "Montage of me sneaking up and killing unarmed, unaware, or afk players before they can actually fight back".
13/10/2016Simply use micro smgs, after hitting him about 10 times or so in quick succession the server will kick him.
10/08/2016Havent had this crosshair for a while, plus i get max fps constantly so Im not lagging.
24/07/2016Well I did nothing to change the skins speed, I simply changed the directory so instead of maccer, I was using this skin, with maccer's fast turning abilities. Other players ingame saw me as maccer, even though I had this skin. I renamed the maccer skin to this skins name and renamed this skin to maccer.txd, so whenever it puts a player model on maccer, it uses this player model.
03/06/2016Lmao every time the green marker appears over the players head your crosshair gets locked on them, youre good at hiding it, but I can tell you are aimbotting. Not to mention that one fight at the car near the end, you spun around with the sensitivity of like a thousand on the last few shots.
01/06/2016I guess I'll say it because no one else will. I started watching this, saw you were only killing the same unarmed noobs, so skipped to the end, and hey, you were still killing the same unnarmed noobs. Also, your aim matches your FPS: Cant tell whether youre playing on a potato or you are a potato.
16/05/2016Are you dumb? Fast ped.cs makes you turn ON POINT, I simply changed my maccer skin model with this skin model, players ingame see me as maccer but I am the woman and turn like a fast skin, no .cs mods to do it.
21/03/2016Dont even know who you are and have never done a 10 round 1v1 lol I only played this server.
07/03/2016Its aimbot xD, I dont know how him shooting back makes it look more like aimbot
30/01/2016Damn I was gonna send in a dick pic but it took forever to send, ya know, big files and all.
26/01/2016Names the video "Amazing Moments" with a picture of "Best Pro Moments" then makes a video of 99% himself. Just call it a frag movie, dont be desperate for attention.
02/01/2016Registered: 23/01/2014
Logged in: 12/01/2019
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