24/12/2022Everytime i try to join it says "Server didn't respond" And i've tried to use 2 different server ips but the issue still remain
Can somebody help me fix this issue? Thanks in advance
Are you kidding me? Like for real? Everyday i get trashtalked on by randoms and I don’t see them getting banned, Like 3 days ago the player “ilyes” trashtalked me insulting me by religions/countries during almost 30 mins and nobody did anything same case with Youness and someone_7 who’s always insulting me involving countries and telling me racist stuff but I’m the one who gets shit on with these bans given by useless admins like yourself, MaNiTi.
Earlier we were discussing about how you deliver the bans and hands motherfucking down because i was right, You drop them bans based on personal beefs between you and the player, How pathetic. Now after posting this i know you will ban me on web and history will repeat once again until i get exiled from this server. niCe, I’ll advice you to hire people with better way of thinking, You hiring these 15yo with half brain capacity that takes shit personal like TheArrow and Maniti
Since i got beef with almost half of the staff next time i join the server y’all will find any excuse to permaban me but whatever, People can insult me and talk shit about me and i can just sit and do nothing about it.
Moral of the history: Lick admins and you’ll might save your own end.
Server: S2
Name : Poet
Reason: (Blank)
I just joined and i found myself banned by the admin kenneth246, I was playing 15 mins ago i went to eat and when i cameback to play again i found this.
There’s already other people more toxic than me and y’all just gonna pick it on me… I’m gonna be completely honest but i think admins that I’m fighting with are the ones who got me banned, Specially that MaNiTi guy, Aight. It’s okay to be butt hurt. Y’all admins are trash at fighting but anyway. Close this fucking thread, Not worth to discuss anything with y’all if i already know which will be the answer of this.
17/05/2022I just cameback and i got banned for it again? I only got muted like 3 times and one was because of a “Friend” i was joking with.
17/05/2022Can’t wait for the braindead XP farmers to say “This thread doesn’t meet the unban rules.”
16/05/2022Hello, I got banned by Administrator Jalla and i still don’t know the reason. I just turned on my pc and it says I’m banned but it only shows the date and administrator, May i know the reason why?
16/05/2022I got muted by the administrator “Iverson3” for saying “Yall hoes” as far as im concerned “Hoe” is not a mutable word.
I’m requesting an unmute.
Thanks in advance
-Poet from s2
11/05/2022Good evening admins, I was wondering if i can delete some videos i have on my web profile? And if so how can i delete them?
Thank you in advance
-Poet &
06/04/2022 Hi
21/03/2022and then ask yourself, Your game is bought from Steam or sum? No one from this community or at least anyone who has ever played this game has bought it from a store. That’s some more bs.
13/03/2022Anticheat is not 100% accurate, Well, Nothing in life is perfect but y’all can’t censor everything because of people complaining about it, Will a due respect this is complete b.s, The server is not perfect and we have to deal with a lot of stuff as players (Fighters more than the others) and i complained because Skoo and i got aimbotted by a dude and some admins always rejects the report stating “Anticheat will deal with it” but tbh it’s rare to see Anticheat actually banning the real cheaters. But Ok.
Thread can be locked.
// you might wanna try to disable the chat the next update as everything is getting censored.
Anticheat is censored for absolutely no reason at all, If y’all or niCe explains why is it censored i might understand the reason of the mute but a word that it’s not even a bad word or related to something we can not say like those countries in war. it just doesn’t make sense to me tbh.
02/03/2022Registered: 08/06/2020
Logged in: 23/02/2025