Hot bonus, but will we get discount on Los Santos Customs ?
24/09/2021 this clip maybe old but still good
18/09/2021I will suggest you to use r1 client as it give some fps boost, also Go to Task Manager > Right click on gta sa > set priority > set it to above normal. and still if you don't get more fps then you can overclock.
13/09/2021-Add more House interiors
-Bring back the Old Mental Stats
-The new Updates are mainly focus on role-playing , it will be a great success if new-deathmatching feature are introduce
-More garage in ls (i dont know but is not working for me Watch any yt video, they explain very-well.
17/08/2021-Remove witness protection Program
-Remove continuously killing players kick's from death-matching servers
-Reduce the price for confession / mental clinic
-Reduce the price of weapons and drop-money for high mental-state
-Increases the amount of garage (mainly in ls)
-Add Airplane hanger to Los Santos
06/08/2021Ingame name: Golden_Requiem
Good Morning,
I don't know how much money i have lost in the rollback.
If it is less than 100k i am sorry for making the Thread.
Thank you very much.
Good Morning
I have lost 150k from the roll back. Which i have got from my org bonus.
Thankyou, have a nice day
I would i like get my refund:
Sever: 3
House id : 1111
I bought it on 8th march
In Game : [Fenil]Ayur[Piro] Reason : Teleport Hacks (may be or Network bug) Info: I dont know how Gta Sa works. but let me explain what happen. I was Turfing And Got killed Then I Gone To the AmmuNation Shop In Willwood There i Got 5 min Kick Cuz of my Network Bug. Then agine i Join With a good network. Then I was Going To the Turf In Idlewood (i dont know the proper name of that place) Then i was going to collect the revnew from the gang. While i was going Me and my bike Teleport To red Country inside the river(i written in the chat also) . Then idk How i teleported Back in To My Turf. And Said Them in joke "saw my hacks".. More Info: I hae a humble request to check the logs agine as this could be a Mistake Also. As i use r4 which dont support many Hacks. Your Faithful -ThankYou-
20/12/2020can u remove my extra banned from s3 i am sorry ;-;
19/02/2020IG NAME: BDG]LordBeast
Banned by: R3kt
i was banned on 20/1/2020 for Teleport hack. I am admire it.
After that i used to play on s2 but the admin banned me for Ban Evade. i am so sorry this will not happen next time, i am request that to remove my extra banned date from my s3 account. please.
Banned for Banned Evade by:admin Bull24.
Got A banned in s3 From R3kt
i Like to get unbanned
i also got a banned of 30 days idk why!
Registered: 28/11/2019
Logged in: 26/01/2024
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