



Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all players!
Motley Gamer

Forum posts (83)

Account issue

Sorry for the delay. I left my PC open on the site while at work all day.. Thanks for the backup! Not too worried about lost stats, just glad to have something back. Would have really hated to crank out on some stats haha!

Thanks man!

Account issue

I know I have not reported back with you guys in some time and you guys missed out on years on info. But you guys are free to retrieve my info on stuff. But tbh I want my account back

Account issue

Hello is there anyone there? I've done what I have code for this server and just want a response back for now please.
Thank you

Account issue

Hi my account appears to have been deleted. I am in the leaderboards. I was also an admin. Can someone let me know what is going on I haven't had access to my account in some time


LU CZ Server: Administration bad behavior

The server has had bad attacks from hacks and much more from the current clan you are in. I apologize for the matter as this has been a serious old issue from your clan. I took the action that I did due to it was leading to provoking your admin, Last time your clan provoked the admin they began crashing the server. Therefore I apologize once again as I only attempted to end it for a moment to prevent it from escalating, But yet it still did :/. The server has not been admined in a very long time and I plan to remove the hackers and crashers from the server. As you see the ban list has technically been cleared due to a new UID. Therefore everyone that was once banned are now hiding with new nicknames,. Regards ~Motley

Server down

This is one of the few reason's I Left Liberty Unleashed,
Without _niCe_ Liberty Unleashed is just a place to go to meet, Hackers, crashers, and Pc crashers , Has happened to me twice. Liberty Unleashed is a Real Freaking Joke!! Unfortunately Without _niCe_ there is not one true server you could trust without worrying what’s going to happen to your Pc when you connect to it/shut down your Pc will it Restart??

Without niCe having his server uploaded If I where you I would try another Multiplayer.

Until Liberty Unleashed Fixes it’s security and releases an update you may see CZ running again :) Until then/ or the day it ever possibly gets uploaded..I Hope to see you again!

[RU]Kewun crashing me in LU..


Sorry this has been happening for a very long time and there is a lot to it. I’ve had the other players use my username so I can not do anything about it administration wise.

The player has been using other players Nicknames to crash players as the join attempting to prevent players to play on the server and get the players to only play on there server.

I am very sorry about this and I have been trying to get to the bottom of this.

Please Remember All because you do not see my username does not mean I am not In the server. I could be anyone in the server.
Please if you have any Info that I could use in my collection I would be more than happy to accept.

Thanks for Reading

Regarding Message For Players Abusing The Server

A Message For The [CZ/EN] Gta-MP.CZ + Community of Online-Players From One Of the Current Admin Mr_Motley So it appears That The Spanish, German, Russian, Bulgarian, ETC Community is getting Really tired of the Rule Only CZ/EN But These players Have Been Breaking The Rules For A very long time. Please Make sure to Check The Directory Before Joining The Gta 3 server Right Before you click on “[CZ/EN] Gta-MP.CZ +” In the Client Browser Directory it clearly States [CZ/EN] “This is not a name of the server, Its Part of the rules and support of both Languages” Players Keep Using Forbidden Languages and get aggregated when I mute them on these actions and attempt to Keep Killing me for these Reactions. Preventing you administrator from monitoring the server Ensuring No one is hacking Etc. Unfortunately these Actions are aiding Hackers to get away. *//Also Players need to stop Abusing the Weapon Bug to keep Weapons after Death. You are altering Online Game play and you are doing this to legitimate players that are taking the kill after they already killed you, which is considered Cheated Weapons. For These Players you are Exploiting the server and failure to stop will have consequences. Its Been a long Time Since the server has had an active Admin crack down on Everything.. Please Stop Abusing Exploits and using Forbidden Languages and Play the server the way it was intended. Big Great Appreciation to the players that are following These two Main Rules That are always broken.Thanks for supporting the server and our Player Base. Thanks For Complying Your GTA III Admin -Mr_Motley

account hacked

Maybe you should see my videos of him hacking using cleo mods etc the proof is all there.I promise :) i gave him many chances. i vowel my words on this player as an administrator..

Show your self off. I like how i actually look really young in this photo for being as old as i am

Admin Apply for Liberty Unleashed CZ Server

I know you are a very tactical player Genesis.

You have great internet which equals an advantage over other players. At one time i thought you were a hacker until i realized you have great internet. which causes better movement. you can be faster in cars etc.

I have a lot of reasons behind wanting to be an admin. i have strong knowledge of the hackers, there multiple accounts etc. what hacks they use. I even have a notebook of these players.

There is just so much behind it.

Unfortunately there is a lot of administration in CZ server.

so the possibility is low unless possibly an admin was removed.

I think it should come down to who is less active if that is the case..

If not as much as it makes me grind my teeth due to it's a rare privilege I would step down for you to be an administrator.

I have been helping niCe with stuff hear lately that has caused me to be less more active.
But the work pays off in the end it makes my job easier.
If you're request are denied then I'm really sorry and I hope you will continue to play CZ server.

Best wishes
Your Admin

General report

Unfortunately I have a semi busy life style (bills, work, and collage).

But I do monitor the liberty unleashed client off and on to see if the hackers will join.

They will not join if I am in the lobby.

They will actually log out.

I live in America that’s American time.

Theremin lives in Italy.

The other admin I have no clue of and he only seems to join when Theremin does.

If all three of us admins can work together to beat the clock of the server and see what we can do to monitor the cz server than we will get somewhere with the hackers.

Other than that without proper team work with admins I cant do much but keep trying by myself.

The only thing I can continue to do is monitor the liberty unleashed client and wait for The all known players to join.

Other than that, that’s it.

They won’t join with me in the lobby so it’s pointless.

I’m really trying to fix this as one of your administrators to get cz right with ban evades its really hard…

I hope you guys can understand…….

Thanks For Reading
Your Admin

account hacked

I actually find it's funny neocortex that you took the time to report something hear.

From all of the information that I have and have been given every C.R.C player is a hacker.
Even your friend Trevor told me to shut up and not tell anyone that you guys are hackers.

The even more sad part is I've given you what six chances now you have none.
Id hate to ban innocent C.R.C Players due to they probable don’t know better. But I don't think that's the case. I don't even think they are new I think they are cover ups. Your Whole crew is now under a bigger watch..

I hope I never see you again hacking in cz server. Hacking in multiplayer games is extremely illegal and if you continue i will ask niCe or theseus to kindly turn over your ip addressee information etc and I will call the police on you neocortex.Or ask them to do so for me..

If this works out you will be swatted. Then you cant touch a computer, a ps3, ps4, a game boy, nothing computerized you will be labeled as a hacker and your computer will be taken to be studied and see any other weird activity going on

You have been warned.

Thanks For Reading
Your Admin

Unban me

Hello Zharuck I am an Administrator on the GTA 3 server.

Please Tell Me your Real username in CZ server so it can Aid me to figuring out who you are.

It appears your last gaming time was four months ago so If i banned you you probley had an second account that was not linked not showing any game time/Or its been a while since you have played and if so i would still like your real user name to help identify you,

Also for Moderators above me to be able to aid you in assistance .

Reporting Hacked Lobbie and Dirty Players

Well Thank you so Much YerTz.

I really Hope you get your PC situation fixed. When you come back and you happen to need help or a helping hand anything please just pm me or if you happen to see me in game. I will attempt to help you back on your feet.

Reporting Hacked Lobbie and Dirty Players

Please Come Back. I have been helping new comers with cash to get started, simple weapon pickups,showing all the missions.And how to register/ how to link there account.

For old time players since money has been restarted i have been helping those players get back on there feet and continue to play ,

Starting all over kinda turns people away. So i want to prevent that.

There has been attempts to have races with bonus money but trying to get players to do so is complicating,LOL..
there will be bounties set randomly as well.

So Please Any players that have turn away i want to welcome you back to niCe server for Lu and make you feel welcomed again.

Hope to see players return

Reporting Hacked Lobbie and Dirty Players

Reporting Hacked Lobbie and Dirty Players

Ever since 2001 Gta III became my favorite GTA Game Created.

CZ server is the most Popular server created at this moment, That has the highest player base of GTA III.

I don’t want to see niCe shutting down his GTA III server.
I would Promise to go out of my way with being an admin to Fix CZ server and to make the server a very normal server.
im willing to invest my own cash into CZ server help new comers help create interesting game-play,.

Unfortunately it Appears from what you are telling me I can not be an administrator and help fix CZ server.

At this point in time I have not heard back from niCe at this moment or at the time I created this post,

I really don't want to have the forum locked until I can ensure that niCe will either

Disprove of this ,or Approve.

I am an old time player that dates back to 2003 mp of GGM. The first ever Gta 3 MP.

I would Love to Be given the Honor of being an Administrator and Administrate CZ server with high integrity and Help Ensure that CZ server will be back to a Normal server.

Id love to see The outcome of this Forum and see where it Goes. I have No plans of playing any other GTA game.

Only GTA 3

Please Do not lock this forum until nice can ‘Ensure’ his statement With An personal message to my account/ Or Post his Message In the prior forum for me and for the entire community to be able to see.

Reporting Hacked Lobbie and Dirty Players

Just trying to help the security of CZ server.

Id really prefer if you would stay with liberty unleashed CZ server Interesting things will happen . atleast find a way back to liberty city once in a while. I want to find ways to help repopulate liberty city. Admin or not. doesn't matter. being admin would help monitor god mode killers seeking bounties etc

One reason why i did not like reporting long ago is because lu gets smaller. but CZ is the most popular server. No one really wants to play other servers in liberty city unlss its a racing server. but that dies quick..

Sincere Regards
My Appologies

Reporting Hacked Lobbie and Dirty Players

The video is all from cz server

1 2 3 4 5

About Motley:

Old school gamer, Twenty six years old. Ive been playing these old school games for years. don't really care for newer games only 2D/3D and lower. Really hope to see awesome gamers on the servers.

Registered: 16/02/2015

Logged in: 15/02/2024

Recently played

1 month ago - Played 10 minutes
9 years ago - Played 30 minutes

Most gaming time

276 hours and 10 minutes

Recent achievements

Create a screenshot with 100 views Completed 05/10/2016
Receive 100 likes Completed 12/09/2016
Create a video with 100 views Completed 27/08/2016