



Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all players!
Motley Gamer

Gaming stats

Gaming time 214 hours and 57 minutes
Longest non-stop game 2 hours and 13 minutes
Players killed 373
Times died 725
Kills / deaths ratio 0.51
Highest kill streak 8
Headshots 54
Furthest headshot 165 m
Times health replenished 212
Times armour replenished 236
Weapons found 341
Money $67,668
Times busted 37
Wanted stars attained 343
Wanted stars evaded 290
Vehicles resprayed 442
Car bombs detonated 20
Money spent on weapons 1,331,950
Exported cars 298
Properties purchased 15
Total property revenue $50,876
Police skills 28
Paramedic skills 21
Firefighter skills 284
Trashman skills 12
Ice cream vendor skills 96
Bus driver skills 23
Cash made in a taxi 0
Hidden packages found 76
Race wins 12
Best time in Turismo 02:13
Best time in Bling-Bling Scramble 03:03
Train stations passed 33
Distance travelled on foot 684.78 km
Distance travelled in car 6,904.23 km
Distance travelled in boat 23.04 km

About Motley:

Old school gamer, Twenty six years old. Ive been playing these old school games for years. don't really care for newer games only 2D/3D and lower. Really hope to see awesome gamers on the servers.

Registered: 16/02/2015

Logged in: 15/02/2024

Recently played

1 month ago - Played 10 minutes
9 years ago - Played 30 minutes

Most gaming time

276 hours and 10 minutes

Recent achievements

Create a screenshot with 100 views Completed 05/10/2016
Receive 100 likes Completed 12/09/2016
Create a video with 100 views Completed 27/08/2016