February was f##king chaotic. Excellent documentary man, keep 'em comin!
10/03/2025Not really if you fully use the environment. Quickly ascending/descending, hiding behind the buildings and roofs does the trick.
07/01/2025I wonder what kind of lascivious acts happened after 3:39.
07/01/2025Buy a Jetpack & 5,000 MicroSMG (will cost you around 140k for both) and troll cops as much as you want. You'd love to see them running away from you for the sake of their worthless lives.
02/01/2025Pure vanilla experience is the best. Mods are gay.
02/01/2025Remember what Lester once said in GTA V? https://i.ibb.co/N7hV0NQ/Screenshot-From-2024-12-06-21-13-05.png Think of it as an indirect reference to iPhone/iOS.
06/12/2024Alright, you can give me back those 169M that I gave to for the screenshots.
05/10/2024Registered: 25/12/2021
Logged in: 10/03/2025