Hello,first of all thanks for your report.As you said above can be consider as mislead because some players and especially new can get that message as something important and leave/quit the server(some of them were asking questions regarding it).As for what you said about admins,i would like to inform you that so far none of the admins abuse it nor use it for fun in-game.As for your mute it was indeed a little bit to much and thats why i chose to unmute you in-game.
27/10/2024First of all,thanks for your report but let me tell you something.As a muted player its obviously that i can not chat with you so the messages was for an other online player.As for your mute,you wrote 'dumb' which is mutable in-game.
06/10/2024Indeed as some players wrote this topic is 'Show off your pc setup',so please stop posting comments that are out of the main point of the topic.If you wish to just reply random emoji's or comments do it with the 'reply' button under the players avatar.Thank you.
08/05/2024My apologize for it,there was a mistake with id's in-game.You are unmuted.
13/01/2024Good evening, you were told in your previous thread to join from your main account. Why are you trying to login in-game from different accounts?
Return the old police megaphone system.
Add a police maverick on the rooftop of the police station in LV and an entrance/exit same like the police station in LS.
Open the police station at Santa Maria beach and add 1 police vehicle,1 HPV-1000(police bike) and 1 police predator(police boat) nearby.
Create a new help section regarding boost which will explain the advantages of the boost, how many levels you will need for each boost and the advantages of premium regarding boost.
21/01/2023The new horse betting interior in LV should be added to the help>horse betting list too.
13/09/2022In the GTA ChinaTown Wars version,we can find different scratch cards with better rewards.It would be cool if we had for a example a scratch card with weapons only,for a property etc or if scratch cards had better rewards such as: a special vehicle,a property/house for 5 days,in-game money for 50.000$-100.000$,weapons etc.So my suggestion is to add these scratch cards with random or better rewards if its possible,thanks.
08/09/2022Hello,use edit button under your avatar to avoid spam.In the meanwhie instead of arguing both of you,wait for an answer from the staff team.
04/08/2022Hello,as i told you in-game there was probably a mistake with your mute.I spoke to nano and we both agreed it was a mistake.However after some minutes you decided to talk with kinda bad words and you decided to dis-respect the staff too.
Good morning,when i tried to log-in to my account on web today i just noticed that i cant log-out from my account nor open the notifications.Looks like the down part of the website face an issue.Also we cant use the 'options' buttom from our friends profile to send them for example a message.
10/03/2022Add a paramedic computer(same like police computer) and add these categories there:
- Transfer human organs to the nearest hospital.
- Provide first aid/CPR to the nearest ingure NPC.
Players will be able to start these categories and they will be rewarded a payout and xp,same like police investigations.
Condoms from dumpsters should be added to our inventory too.
Hello,this object used to be an unknown/closed police station in singleplayer.I would like if you can add it as a police station in multiplayer too.You can add police ranges outside of it with light blue colors or HPV-1000 (police bikes).You can also add a police maverick or better a predator (with light blue color) as long as the los santos hasnt an available predator(after the last update there is only 1 predator near police station in SF). https://imgur.com/0RzCtLF
17/02/2022Hello,as an old player im sure you aware of the rules.You can not kill other players inside interiors.If you tried to kill or damage someone inside interior is actually an abuse against the system. Rule number 7: Bug abuse is forbidden. As you said above: If the server/system was acting like that,then everyone in-game will try to abuse with that way until the server kick him.And as i remember from an other thread,someone was punished for trying the same thing as you.
16/02/2022There should be a list with all the available bonuses/features we can get if we complete a college diploma.
14/02/2022Registered: 24/12/2015
Logged in: 10 hours ago
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