The small town bank is bugged, we can't shoot the cameras and we can't make progress in the heist. I did it twice and it's still bugged.
19/06/2021Anti cheat system kicks happens when you are really using any sort of cheats or mods which contain cheats, or when you are facing high packetloss and ping ( lag ) These are records of your packetloss in the past few days The problem could be from your internet, try to fix it as soon as possible.
17/06/2021Hello, It was just a 5 minutes kick from the anticheat system, the anti cheat system kicks you when you are really using cheats or mods that contain cheats, or sometimes because of you high packetloss or ping ( lagging ). This is your packetloss in the past few days, i suggest you to find a solution for your bad internet.
17/06/2021Make a proper unban appeal, read the thread mentioned by xVikrant. I'm locking this thread.
17/06/2021Player has successfully joined the server : As for your sensivity mouse problem, i suggest you to have a look on the blog written by lead admin Mano. Mano sensfix Problem is solved, i'm locking the thread.
16/06/2021Greetings, We have checked all your logs and we couldn't find your vehicle, i personally checked you in game and didn't find the vehicle in your garages, or in insurance. You probably replaced this vehicle long time ago and you forgot, or maybe you changed the garage for the car and you didn't save it again. You've got a reply from adminstrator Jalla in your previous thread :
16/06/2021I see that you successfully joined the server, thus i'm locking the thread. If you need anything else, message me in web or anyone of the staff team. Thread locked
16/06/2021You are too old in the server to know that cheating is not allowed here (2016 player), and you have "1245 hours and 50 minutes". However, i'll inform Mano about this thread, till then be patient. Also you can buy an unban after 5 days from Game shop using real money.
16/06/2021Hello ,
You are not banned , can you try to restart your router and login again ? also provide us a screenshot on what you can.
Hello , I've muted you for saying "stfu" as it's censor evade of "shut the fuck up" : We don't mute for "sthu" = shut the hell up , we only mute for "stfu".
15/06/2021Everything is well explained above by the helpers and admin Beast , if you have any other question message me or any of the staff and we'll reach you out , you don't have to create threads for such question , you can directly ask in game servers or message one of the /helpers. Thread locked
15/06/2021I found this packetloss logs of yours for the past few days : The lag is coming from your side , i suggest you to find solutions to fix your packetloss , contact you ISP provider , change your MTU settings in your router !
15/06/2021Registered: 06/08/2019
Logged in: 15/08/2021
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