when someone tag you like this veteran95O you should get a notification
15/12/2024s2, Jonathan
hello i was just muted by admin for swearing and leaving to avoid the mute
i did swear but come on man i just reloged i didnt quit completly i left and joined back after few seconds ffs
hello people hope you doing well
i though i can get some help to fix my issue, so this is my radio link https://stream.zeno.fm/adui8s6cduetv
when i use it in custom /radio i dont hear anything but other people can hear the radio
also i can listen to the other stations in /radio so the issue isnt my settings
thank you
add ability to remove drift tunes from cars (like removing other upgrades from shop)
11/12/2024yall focus on the "no reason killing" part but dimissed the constant trashtalking on the chat and provoking and being a kid the whole
ofc killing is part of this game and server deals with it, but killing AND provoking AND trashtalking is something should be delt with
i would've found them on s1 and s4 if my country wasnt banned
29/09/2024Registered: 26/11/2022
Logged in: 9 hours ago