



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!
AWAT Helper Legendary player

Forum posts (34)

Sell limitation

Hello I'm AWAT
I have problem with sell limitation,I can't sell my stuff as value they I'll be so happy if you help me and disable it for me
Have a great day 💕

1 million scammed.

Hello you need to obey rule giving money as loan or gift is not allow and also you could buy things by cmd /buy or bid in auction maybe he is scammer but you didn't make deal in safe way too

Web account blocked

That is the point,you used VPN while logging in.your Web account has been blocked for 30 days and as I know there is no way to unblock it cause it's your fault.if you face any problems or want to make any fourms you can just email.
Have a nice day mate


Nice to remember me I was not lagging that was last day at 10:52


Hi I'm AWAT from wtls2
Last day lost around 100k gun
I wanted to save them but not possible also it wasn't even in my sell or auction list and after 1 shot all has been gone
Have to say that I payed for my guns with high mental and had 160 ammo sniper in my hand

why banned me ??

Hey to get answer you need to make post in that format and avoid to spam in chat

“How to post unban request
- Create the topic in format: UNBAN - Your nick (make sure to capitalize the letters)
- Enter your game account name
- Server name, where you are banned
- Your comment to the ban”

Suggestions on SA-MP

Hello I'm AWAT my suggestion is that make duel cmd for player to do 1v1 for money in safe way

why banned me ??

Did you kicked out from server because of cheat for 5 min several time?


Hello I'm AWAT
Good morning
I wish we could have duel cmd to invite players who want do 1v1 for money in safe way many times I won 1v1 for 1m and nothing I got tnx alot


Today morning I got ban for threading server without any warn or any subject related to that before pls check it


Hello today morning when I saw usd prices plunged in I shocked and be happy cause that and sadly I said something in chat,that was appreciating niCe job in bit rude way and midnight muted me I'm agree with midnight but Petrit by misunderstanding banned me 30 days I want say that really I didn't mean that and I want administration team and specially niCe accept my apologies and unban I never ever tried to return server rule and it happened by mistake I'm saying that again I'm so sorry and appreciating what administration team specially lead Manger decide Ha very good day

Speed hack

Hello!I want you just see that,is it speed hack or what

Refound my 3m Check now to see how cheating in poker is possible

Refound my 3m

His name was epic and banned 30 days in s2

Refound my 3m

I have problem to upload screen record on web if it is possible show me another way to send you it

Refound my 3m

Dude that cheater got ban how you say that

Refound my 3m

Hey don't lock my threat this is another threat about an other person who used to be cheat in poker and got my 3m

Refound my 3m pls

Hello today 3 times I lost to cheater name epic who got banned today ill share my screen record at my wall

Refound and ban cheater

Today at 14:50 I was playing poker with rk Nima and I got bug and lost my 1m have to say that this problem happend me in past too but I had no evidence now ill let you see my screen shot how that bug look


Have to say that if someone play with high players he can't see carts but able to call or fold or raise but in bug you can see carts and anything but you can't do anything even leave poker game with Enter Y

1 2

About AWAT:

Nothing written yet.

Registered: 09/09/2020

Logged in: 54 minutes ago

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Playing now - 1 hour and 5 minutes

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2784 hours and 10 minutes

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Create a screenshot with 50 views Completed 19/11/2024
Set your user title Completed 18/01/2022
Receive 10 likes Completed 19/11/2021