



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!

Fishing - S3

R3dfield R3dfield 25/03/2022

Catch as many fish as possible!

I have decided to create this contest, because there are some epic new features added to it. For example the new bite alarm!


Become a part... (more)

Stats tracked in contest

Fish caught

Game server

San Andreas Multiplayer 3


1st place: $4,800,000 2nd place: $4,400,000 3rd place: $4,000,000 4th place: $3,500,000 5th place: $3,300,000 6th place: $2,800,000 7th place: $2,500,000 8th place: $2,300,000 9th place - 10th place: $2,000,000 11th place: $1,800,000 12th place - 13th place: $1,750,000 14th place - 16th place: $1,500,000 17th place: $1,200,000 18th place: $1,000,000 19th place: $850,000 20th place: $500,000
Start: 25/03/2022 End: 14/04/2022 Already over

Participating players

1 eli eli 1,278
Won 1st place!
2 xSllots xSllots 1,188
Won 2nd place!
3 mbw mbw 1,146
Won 3rd place!
4 xRonin xRonin 680
Won 4th place!
5 Eyemef Eyemef 645
Won 5th place!
6 ItsCodY ItsCodY 588
Won 6th place!
7 Sysko Sysko 445
Won 7th place!
8 HollywoodHogan HollywoodHogan 410
Won 8th place!
9 xTeFoo xTeFoo 316
Won 9th place!
10 Xx0NIXxX Xx0NIXxX 313
Won 10th place!
11 Domko Domko 312
Won 11th place!
12 bluezone59 bluezone59 294
Won 12th place!
13 Uzumakii Uzumakii 282
Won 13th place!
14 LevDex LevDex 239
Won 14th place!
15 Benn Benn 230
Won 15th place!
16 ItsHunTer ItsHunTer 185
Won 16th place!
17 Theseus Theseus 174
Won 17th place!
18 TecHDuDe TecHDuDe 151
Won 18th place!
19 N0torious N0torious 141
Won 19th place!
20 TimeBomb TimeBomb 124
Won 20th place!
21 Syko Syko 117
22 UsmanRaza UsmanRaza 110
23 Acceonit Acceonit 100
24 W1ssam W1ssam 88
26 moneris0 moneris0 82
27 Azizou021 Azizou021 74
28 DaTaBaS3 DaTaBaS3 70
29 MeowthGuy MeowthGuy 65
30 Searken Searken 57
31 Factor Factor 53
32 Joy007 Joy007 52
33 xMoNSTeR xMoNSTeR 40
34 Bevis90 Bevis90 39
36 MaouSama1590 MaouSama1590 31
37 UnrealDev UnrealDev 27
38 Swavyy Swavyy 26
39 Salikk Salikk 26
40 R3kT R3kT 25
41 Sylvie Sylvie 24
42 ThundeR69 ThundeR69 24
43 Miyaw Miyaw 22
44 R3TivE R3TivE 22
46 sadra sadra 21
47 Enemaxxx Enemaxxx 21
48 Pooor Pooor 18
49 markjc420 markjc420 18
50 6Christo9 6Christo9 17

Comments (5)

Eyemef n00b Level 48 09/04/2022 07:03 AM
good contest
TecHDuDe Right-Hand Man Level 85 31/03/2022 08:53 PM
Lol bro I am in top 20 without knowing that this contest exist
UsmanRaza Gamer Level 19 28/03/2022 06:54 PM
50 participated
LeoFromHeaven Advanced player Level 26 25/03/2022 05:08 PM
Good luck mate
xRonin Nobody Special Level 48 25/03/2022 02:24 AM
oooo greatt, good luck everyone!!!

Contests ending soon

NPC Killed - FiveM 2
277 3
9 hours remaining
Safes cracked - FiveM 2
167 0
9 hours remaining
Misí od Geralda splněno
257 0
10 hours remaining