Today's Car Meet was in Juniper Hill, San Fiero with a lot of different looking cars. This time there was no admin support so were griefed slightly. However, the car meet wasn't cancelled and we kept going! Special...
It's been almost 2 weeks since the last Car Meet due to a load of issues and me going on a temporary hiatus from actively playing due to school and such! But, now we're back and we're back with a bang! Special...
It's the first of the month, and we started poorly not gonna lie. There were many griefers including kabsa and a few other no-names who used RPGs or slammed vehicles into us. I'm thinking of collaborating with...
My debut Car Meet events started late September and I only have to pick between 2 winners for this month! I hope to make this a re-occuring thing and for this time there won't be a prize for the best car of September!...
============================================================================== Amazing car meet today, definitely the same amount that showed up from yesterday's car meet but this time there were a lot more unique vehicles including the winners which were by far the most exotic vehicles I've...
Fantastic car meet today! I had the opportunity to a lot of people with BEAUTIFUL vehicles! Around 2x the amount of people from the last car meet. Today there were a 500k prizes to 2 winners (cause im stingy and don't...
This car meet was honestly really awesome, we got together down at Vinewood Country Club and slowly many people showed up to flex their nice vehicles. Most notably: Valverde's Faggio, Rassie's LVPD, Only's Firetruck, Boden's FT Mower/FT Remington, TWO's Remington, TSM's...