He tried to end us like he ''ended'' TTS, not happening. This is a prime example of how easy miniguns are. No skilled weapon, needs to be removed from the server. Ruins the fun and it turns into a ''whos got more money''... (více)
He tried to end us like he ''ended'' TTS, not happening. This is a prime example of how easy miniguns are. No skilled weapon, needs to be removed from the server. Ruins the fun and it turns into a ''whos got more money'' war.
Next time pick your battles little man.. Wrzoseks aren't going down like that. (méně)
Also in your video we can watch how you dropped teargas and you wasent alone
No1 of bikers shot you because they scared but don't worry ;)”+ 1 I know about Gazmoo he always tells the truth it's clear you were planning to gang bang him later or sooner from your conversation.
ITS only make your game slow