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Banend on s2

veganismkills Oblíbený hráč Level 45 2.1.2018 12:58
Hi, I'm banned by the server for pretty dumb reason. See, I was repeatedly typing ''rcon login nigga'' I was curious, I didn't think it would really ban me.
Hi, I'm banned by the server for pretty dumb reason.
See, I was repeatedly typing ''rcon login nigga''
I was curious, I didn't think it would really ban me.
Drone Level 37 2.1.2018 13:00
Swearing is not allowed on the server, you shouldn't do this at all.
Swearing is not allowed on the server, you shouldn't do this at all.
Tayaz Legendární hráč Level 58 2.1.2018 13:04
Drone, Actually Admins have opportunity to mute,kick others i think it would be some other reasons for Ban
Drone, Actually Admins have opportunity to mute,kick others i think it would be some other reasons for Ban
God Of Sawn-off
M4estro Kmotr Level 110 2.1.2018 13:07
So you think he is banned for swearing? Hahahahhaahh If you don't know for what is he banned even he said, don't spam threads because you won't be helper! About you Hate what you wanted to try with it? to become the lead admin or what? Of cours you will be banned for it, not only you, everyone who tries that will be banned too. Now is all at admins, mostly niCe what he will decide, maybe they will just give you 5 days ban instead of 30 days...but still you have 500+ gaming time you should know that...
Swearing is not allowed on the server, you shouldn't do this at all.So you think he is banned for swearing? Hahahahhaahh
If you don't know for what is he banned even he said, don't spam threads because you won't be helper!

About you Hate what you wanted to try with it? to become the lead admin or what? Of cours you will be banned for it, not only you, everyone who tries that will be banned too.
Now is all at admins, mostly niCe what he will decide, maybe they will just give you 5 days ban instead of 30 days...but still you have 500+ gaming time you should know that...

Dz0nY Level 119 2.1.2018 13:15
Well mostly cause of being curious about many things here, players end being banned on servers. You were trying to do silly thing and you will be banned for 30 days. Player with 560+ hours should have know this already. Locked
I was curious, I didn't think it would really ban me.Well mostly cause of being curious about many things here, players end being banned on servers.
You were trying to do silly thing and you will be banned for 30 days.
Player with 560+ hours should have know this already.
Tento text je zobrazen pouze pro administrátory
Toto téma bylo zamknuto kvůli neaktivitě.