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Unban appeal

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iNikkz Legendární hráč Level 130 23.12.2015 15:15
Hello, I haven't played active a lot on S2, and I don't know what have made you do that kind of stuff in the past there. I met you on S3 when you came, and your attitude on S3 was completely great, mature, and you was nice even with the admin staff, players, even me. We'll message niCe about this, and I'll ask Theseus to reply here to share his opinion with the admins. As far I know you were/are kind and polite guy, and all of us can fuck up sometimes, somehow, even if that's not the real us. In my opinion, I think we should give you second chance. Now please don't spam the thread, leave the admin staff to decide whether you should or should not get an unban.
I haven't played active a lot on S2, and I don't know what have made you do that kind of stuff in the past there. I met you on S3 when you came, and your attitude on S3 was completely great, mature, and you was nice even with the admin staff, players, even me. We'll message niCe about this, and I'll ask Theseus to reply here to share his opinion with the admins. As far I know you were/are kind and polite guy, and all of us can fuck up sometimes, somehow, even if that's not the real us. In my opinion, I think we should give you second chance.
Now please don't spam the thread, leave the admin staff to decide whether you should or should not get an unban.
Theseus Manažer Don Level 142 23.12.2015 20:26
I would personally look for a solution in this case.. But when i hear the Server 2 admins their opinion about it, it seems clear that you're not really welcome. (Which i can understand from their side). At the end they are the ones who will see you in game constantly(s2). And they are also the ones who know you best. So for now i'll stick with their decision.
I would personally look for a solution in this case..
But when i hear the Server 2 admins their opinion about it, it seems clear that you're not really welcome. (Which i can understand from their side).
At the end they are the ones who will see you in game constantly(s2). And they are also the ones who know you best.
So for now i'll stick with their decision.
M4estro Kmotr Level 110 23.12.2015 21:22
Hm well first thanks for your answer here Theseus. I can understand them too but if they will watch me each day they can see am i doing anything wrong, right? And simply ban me if they feel to do it. Am i right? I would also help admins to ban some cheaters, and help new players with some stuff which they need for start...one word i would be like an Bonus Helper :D You know me good too, we used to speak days and days, so don't say you don't know me so good... Anyway i would like to hear and S3 admins opions and maybe if they allow me to play at start at least at S3, so S2 admins can see that i have changed.
Hm well first thanks for your answer here Theseus.
I can understand them too but if they will watch me each day they can see am i doing anything wrong, right? And simply ban me if they feel to do it. Am i right?
I would also help admins to ban some cheaters, and help new players with some stuff which they need for start...one word i would be like an Bonus Helper :D
You know me good too, we used to speak days and days, so don't say you don't know me so good...
Anyway i would like to hear and S3 admins opions and maybe if they allow me to play at start at least at S3, so S2 admins can see that i have changed.

Sepoleone Hlavní Administrátor Kmotr Level 152 23.12.2015 22:35
You've been given too many chances. It's a strict no from me.
You've been given too many chances. It's a strict no from me.
Tento text je zobrazen pouze pro administrátory
M4estro Kmotr Level 110 24.12.2015 12:53
Yes Seppo you are right, but i would not say it's too many chances as i was permanent banned only once, if i am remember so good. I would say Loka got too many chances not me... First time i was only banned for 30 days and HalfPipe told me i won't be permanent banned because i was helper. Then second time after 30 days when i came and did somthing really stupid i got permanent ban by HalfPipe. So after few months i talked to Tyson and i think with you also and i got unban, thats only time when i was unbanned after permanent ban. So before 1 year i got permanent ban because i 'scammed' friend for 100m, and i know that was also stupid...but life goes on, he got his money back, i was banned for 1 year and i think it's fair enough. Let me play a bit and show all of you guys that i changed, and show that i am sorry not only for last thing i did...i am sorry for all what i did in past. This will be new me, new M4estro. ;)
Yes Seppo you are right, but i would not say it's too many chances as i was permanent banned only once, if i am remember so good.
I would say Loka got too many chances not me...
First time i was only banned for 30 days and HalfPipe told me i won't be permanent banned because i was helper.
Then second time after 30 days when i came and did somthing really stupid i got permanent ban by HalfPipe.
So after few months i talked to Tyson and i think with you also and i got unban, thats only time when i was unbanned after permanent ban.
So before 1 year i got permanent ban because i 'scammed' friend for 100m, and i know that was also stupid...but life goes on, he got his money back, i was banned for 1 year and i think it's fair enough.
Let me play a bit and show all of you guys that i changed, and show that i am sorry not only for last thing i did...i am sorry for all what i did in past.
This will be new me, new M4estro. ;)

Tento text je zobrazen pouze pro administrátory

GilanG Level 84 24.12.2015 14:13
Tento text je zobrazen pouze pro administrátory
Theseus Manažer Don Level 142 24.12.2015 14:20
The admin team decided that you will not be allowed to play on server 2. However, if you are really interested in playing the game, you can be able to play on server 3. And server 3 only! Just like any other banned player, you are now able to purchase unban in the webshop, for SERVER 3. Up to you to decide whether you want to do this or not. Merry Christmas.
The admin team decided that you will not be allowed to play on server 2.
However, if you are really interested in playing the game, you can be able to play on server 3. And server 3 only!

Just like any other banned player, you are now able to purchase unban in the webshop, for SERVER 3.
Up to you to decide whether you want to do this or not.
Merry Christmas.
M4estro Kmotr Level 110 24.12.2015 16:48
Okey thanks Theseus and all server 3 admins! You can lock now thread, if i have anything more to ask i'll message one of you. Merry Christmas.
Okey thanks Theseus and all server 3 admins!
You can lock now thread, if i have anything more to ask i'll message one of you.
Merry Christmas.

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