Hello, I have been playing WTLS 2 for 7 years on an old account which i lost which i don't really care about that, I have made a new one back in 2019 but that is not the point in this case, I made a webpage about this account that i have currently (EastSideBallasTec9. ingame name) (web name - edaaaa) which i cannot change the password to log in to, I have tried every password that i remember, I reset my password Multiple and multiple times but it just doesn't work i have no idea how to work this out, i hope you staff members can help me out here, If you tell me to do the same thing over and over to reset password i have tried it a thousand times it just does not work, if there is any other ways Please help me.
Hello, I have been playing WTLS 2 for 7 years on an old account which i lost which i don't really care about that, I have made a new one back in 2019 but that is not the point in this case, I made a webpage about this account that i have currently (EastSideBallasTec9. ingame name) (web name - edaaaa) which i cannot change the password to log in to, I have tried every password that i remember, I reset my password Multiple and multiple times but it just doesn't work i have no idea how to work this out, i hope you staff members can help me out here, If you tell me to do the same thing over and over to reset password i have tried it a thousand times it just does not work, if there is any other ways Please help me.