Nah, it's because of my minigun votes. You've misunderstood something
09/05/2018I would like to get the ability to create votes with freedom of opinion. It's not fair.
Best regards
/Diaz Abusive, insultive, nationalistic, or any form of hate speech towards another one is not welcomed on server and same goes for voting system.
That's the biggest trash I've ever seen. Don't do it. I'd rather use youtube or google, there's enough stuff about your blackscreen problem.
07/05/2018Increase the price for military vehicles.
I think they are too cheap.
Higher price for hunters.
It's really annoying because there are every 2-5 minutes hunters over your head. That's my opinion.
I think bug abusing. It's your own fault and you won't get unbanned for that. So read the rules and wait 30 days
24/09/2017Registered: 20/02/2016
Logged in: 22/08/2018
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