Epsilon Program has finally found its way to our servers! You will be soon able to join this cult through a new website, where you can become a member of Kifflom, for a fee of course. Players, who are members of Epsilon Program will be able to complete objectives and earn Epsilon Points (EP).
Epsilon Points will be brand new currency, which you can use to get unique benefits. Epsilon Program has very strong influence and while you are respected member of Epsilon Program, you can use that influence. Some benefits will give you ability to have control over other players - you can for example use Epsilon Points to disable a player to purchase weapons in Ammu Nation for one hour. Or you can simply add 25% more time in prison to someone for 5 hours. But when the target player has more Epsilon Program Points than you, you won't be able to target such a player, which should prevent the abuse.
You will be also able to claim unique bonuses and items. One of the items will be special Epsilon Program Huntley with the cult logo, in which you cannot be arrested by cops! But be aware, the vehicle can still be destroyed and you can be arrested consequently! You will be also able to exchange some Epsilon Points for additional votes in congress election and much more!
put a new admins . mano was the best admins. he was banning the cheaters and you demoted him why. demoted the others admins.