




Thanks for successful year 2018

niCe's English Blog
niCe niCe 01/01/2019
Thanks everyone for your support and loyalty in 2018! This year we managed to break records of player numbers even after 10 years of operating our servers.

We have added total of 209 updates in 2018, thus almost every day there was an update. As most important updates I consider yacht on S4, many new events, ability to buy cars on Legendary Motorsport page, abiltiy to sell cars on Auto Eroticar page, fully controllable crane in San Fierro, wheel of fortune in casinos, mod shop Los Santos Customs and shooting NPCs in missions or while robbing shops. It was really quite a lot of updates and we hope you enjoy our servers because of the frequent updates. We will of course continue in adding new updates also in 2019, there is a lot of interesting planned updates, thus you have a lot to look forward to!

Our servers were always quite successful while fighting against cheaters. A lot of new cheats are being tested on our server and there are even some specially developed cheats for our server - this famous and challenging is our anticheat! We kept improving our anticheat thanks to that, all these cheaters unwillingly help us to improve it, as we can better explore how some cheats work. This ensures, that if there is a server, that does its maximum in fight against cheaters, it's our servers.

Server works fine and we're glad for that. Thanks to everyone who supports our server, we were able to donate 200 EUR to children oncology at Motol hospital in Prague again as every year. Some of you might object, that server might miss this money when in future there won't be enough money to cover the expenditures, however I personally am very glad that we can help a bit a good cause, as not every player realizes, that health has the highest priority and someone doesn't have the luck to happily play games and use word "cancer" only as one of many stupid insults.

We have celebrated 10th anniversary this year. It's really long time. During all these years, hundreds of thousands of players came to play here and enabled us to be, where we are now. This all wouldn't be possible without our devoted admin team, helpers and people, who keep making videos of our server and help new players to discover SA-MP and our servers. I'm really grateful for all of this and I sincerely appreciate, that you all remain loyal players of our servers!

I wish you all happy new year 2019!

Comments (45)

BlackAfrican Level 64 24/12/2020 10:43 PM
I feel so proud when i read your blog posts
sidzen Wise one Level 92 27/11/2020 06:11 AM
im thankful i got the niCest server in the whole samp
XXXtentaciiioN Ruffian Level 75 28/03/2020 06:46 PM
Rumi92 Experienced player Level 99 13/02/2020 12:35 PM
uhhhidk Upstanding Citizen Level 30 12/06/2019 01:09 AM
Wholesome af
Kingzzz Outlaw Level 61 30/04/2019 03:04 AM
Loved playing on this, I can proudfully say i am a respectable player, on one of the GREATEST servers On Sa-MP Right now, And I love every bit of minute i spent on this server. Had to move on, but i remember EACH and EVERYONE who was with me, till the end

HomeBoys <3
Morched23MJ Adored Level 107 05/01/2019 05:00 PM
We're the lucky ones, who have witnessed this development, enjoyed this journey with you.
Although many important things are happening in my current life, SA-MP and specially this community remain as a major part of my life. I will never forget those incredibly happy moments I spent in here. Words can't describe my feelings at the time, when all I did, is to play straight 14 hours non-stop, not by boredom, but by utter enjoyment.
A special thanks to you niCe, and to whoever contributed to the development of these servers, and to the players who supported that, from which alot of you are now my friends.
Shubham1 Legendary player Level 103 04/01/2019 05:54 AM
Really appreciate your hard work towards the servers, keep going!
HoLY Legendary player Level 145 03/01/2019 07:50 PM
Very well said,

I personally would like to thank to all my fellow staff members, because even though a lot of players often accuse us of "not doing anything", but trust me, we all are doing our best to keep the servers clear from cheaters, we are trying to fix as many bugs to make the gameplay for you smooth and also we are trying to entertain you with dozens of events, carshows, contests etc.

Happy New Year everyone!
iHeb92 Don Level 97 03/01/2019 04:52 PM
Keep up the good work!! and happy new year to you all!
Show comments 11-20 of 45