If the video is fully processed, Watch in 2K res, Youtube compression is terrible.
The players that I fought in this video are suspected to be using cheat software such as aimbot, godmode or maybe both, if you encounter any of these players in this... (více)
If the video is fully processed, Watch in 2K res, Youtube compression is terrible.
The players that I fought in this video are suspected to be using cheat software such as aimbot, godmode or maybe both, if you encounter any of these players in this video, please gather clips and report these players, you help filter the server of these players and makes pvp an overall better experience for everyone.
I finally got some recording software to work with my game so quality isn't an issue anymore.
damn bruh (méně)
There's no point, we estabilished that my ping was a disadvantage, I had a clip of him hitting every minigun shot, I believe it was just desync.