I fount Nikzz the Event was who 1st found him with the bike Wayfarer will get's 3m.
I found him he said me no you didn't found me you found Scotty you can read it on another language then after it i killed him and it was _Nikkzz__ the same name as he Pm'ed... (více)
I fount Nikzz the Event was who 1st found him with the bike Wayfarer will get's 3m.
I found him he said me no you didn't found me you found Scotty you can read it on another language then after it i killed him and it was _Nikkzz__ the same name as he Pm'ed me then se said its not me its Scotty,this proves that it was He and i killed him.
Fake Event Fake Admin thanks...After this the Changed both name's only to say no it was Scotty Bla Bla it was all fake i didnt get money. (méně)