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GTA: San Andreas

Ban for unjustified reason (SA-MP 2) IGN: Hisne_Hasin

GTA: San Andreas
Ban for unjustified reason (SA-MP 2) IGN: Hisne_Hasin
HisneHasin HisneHasin 11.11.2022

Why did I get banned just because the admin wants to give me a ban? Do you have any proof admin? Don't ban people just because you want or suspect people. I don't use cheat and I haven't even killed anyone also don't even own a gun because... (více)

Komentáře (6)

mohmed123xx Fotograf Level 18 20.11.2022 18:53
Yes, and I have been attending for 30 days due to poor internet
ChinTapak Pokročilý hráč Level 68 13.11.2022 19:36
You should remove any installed mods from ur folder
EzShortcut Level 16 12.11.2022 11:15
Lmao EZ ban

And btw server banned you not an admin, and make a thread in forums next time
Thomas250 Administrátor Level 80 11.11.2022 21:14
rip cheater
Biggie69 Zločinec Level 61 11.11.2022 20:41
hallo bro ... there is no admin banned u ... it's the server system ... make u sure u are not using any mods that give u advantage cz that's the same happened to me ... 5 days is enough to clean ur gta folder from mods or any file which is forbidden ... much love <3
DaRkTiMe Legendární hráč Level 51 11.11.2022 15:05
Make a thread.