Dobrý den, napojil sem se po cca mesici na wtls a vyskocil mi tam ban za obchadzani banu.Nic jsem neobchazel a asi se jedná o omyl.Prosím o unban.Dekuji moc
25.12.2023Hi my friend opg corientalz got ban and I don't know what I got from school and school chat and there from
opg corientalz got ban for cheats and I look down and war and he is nowhere and I said what? where did he go? and then he told me he was banned from the server. he often told me that I had an internet from Sencor, but now they have a lot of trouble because they have a lot of orders and he sent me a screen that I should send it to the forum I don't know if it's the internet or the opg skill that taught him opg November 22.and he told me lately that he was losing the signal with tacin. Could you solve this?
]Nemôže. To nemá podľa mňa s internetom nič spoločné, to je iba nastavenie vecí na serveri... Každopádne si vravel, že máš Telekom, však ? Tí majú tieto dni problémy a rieši sa to. Ale ostatne samp servery fungujú
14.12.2021Dobrý den,dnes rano sem hral a uplna pohodicka a po obede my vyskocil z 0.35 na 25.30% packetloss a iba u Vás na servery na ostatných to ide aj wifi ide pohodicka víš co ale iba u vas vysoký packetloss može to byt že sem si nastavoval v /set? alebo proste HELP
14.12.2021Registrován: 27.11.2021
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