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Mo15 Obchodník
Mo15 napsal na zeď uživatele Mo15 23:40
Welp...the Market houses are gone...the Cabbie and Stretch that was part of them are gone. Liquidated...
Mo15 si přišel zahrát na herní server San Andreas Multiplayer 2 20:15
Mo15 napsal komentář k new pc 19:26
So...all those years ago I built that? Pnly a couple years ago did I get a newer one and my brother...
Mo15 napsal komentář k Was bound to happen sooner or later :,) 12:16
Well something happened...went to the Desert Airtstrip and decided to crack the safe. Some guy by the...
Mo15 přidal screenshot 11:46
Was bound to happen sooner or later :,) Welp guess now my place of rest is no more, I'll probably just hang around at the Desert Airstrip...
Mo15 si přišel zahrát na herní server San Andreas Multiplayer 2 11:42
Mo15 přidal screenshot 01:42
New Selfie, Same old me! :D So turns out getting any pics from GTA IV is not easy if taken with the ingame phone camera...

Mo15 dosáhnul levelu 117 20:07
Mo15 napsal na zeď uživatele xBossSyazwan 11:41
Mo15 napsal komentář k Me with InZeDomo_ (DomoV2) 20:30
Oh wow even I cannot remember if I even made a video...I must have...one...

Zeď (119)

TyZer Zlotřilec Level 60 8.7.2024 12:27
Legendary player
Mo15 Obchodník Level 117 26.1.2023 23:40
Welp...the Market houses are gone...the Cabbie and Stretch that was part of them are gone. Liquidated for a good house renewal outside LS. Guess slowly but surely I am withering away.

Though if I am to be honest it shouldn't be surprising. The server has changed too much over the years for my liking, some good things were changed/removed, Had some bad experiences over the years which is almost all I can remember now, And whenever I decide to just drop by the past couple years all I feel for the first hour or so is just...Discomfort, cold, and...well the need to kinda be away from activity.

Though apparently you can get something for GTA V and this place has servers for it? Could anyone tell me about these servers and how they're different from the usual GTA V public servers?
Suzy Legendární hráč Level 81 30.10.2022 09:53
xBossSyazwan Pomocník Pařan Level 246 28.10.2022 09:16
Thugger Hráč Level 75 17.8.2022 22:34
Mo15 Obchodník Level 117 17.8.2022 20:19
Thugger: Sell me your house bro

Thanks for reminding me about them though :D
Thugger Hráč Level 75 17.8.2022 07:54
Sell me your house bro
Mo15 Obchodník Level 117 13.8.2021 12:49
Wow the last activity here was 2 months ago? Maybe I should have a crack at making a video or something...but what should it be about?

Mo15 Obchodník Level 117 13.6.2021 20:49

Happy birthday dude!
Ik I'm a bit late, but better late than never :D

Thanks Lory! 22 Already, how time flies...And to think this username was made when I was 15 (Hence the 15...)

Anyway How's everyone been over the years on the ol' Server 2?
LoryMK Zkušený hráč Level 116 13.6.2021 17:08
Happy birthday dude!
Ik I'm a bit late, but better late than never :D
Ukázat komentáře 11-20 z 119

O uživateli Mo15:

Zatím nic nenapsáno.

Registrován: 26.10.2014

Přihlášen: 12.8.2023

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1254 hodin a 5 minut

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Přidat video s 500 zhlédnutími Splněno 23.7.2019
Nahrát 1000 hodin na herních serverech Splněno 8.9.2018
Napsat 50 příspěvků na zeď Splněno 25.12.2017