It required the old password.
It happens on both my phone and PC using any browser.
I'm not getting any error but I'm assuming my login name is being filtered/denied.
The website is asking me to change my password. After entering a new password and clicking "save changes" the page reloads but nothing has saved/changed.
In S2, when trying to save a plane over an existing plane in a hangar, there is no menu to save. It bugs out further and shows the ammunation menu if you press shift/OK button. Video example: Thanks.
13.5.2023Hello, Do you plan on changing the weather system so it cycles the same as it does in singleplayer? It doesn't seem like the weather cycles anymore on WTLS servers, although it used to. The variety in weather is a big part of the GTA freeroam experience. I posted about it here. This was how you responded. Not sure what to take from it. During peak times, LS has ugly grey skies and dull colors continuously every day at the exact same times from around 15:00 to 19:00. It really takes away from the LS look and experience. LS is supposed to be sunny like LA and it rarely ever is anymore. It makes the aging graphics look even older. The fog also reduces view distance. Example. Sadly it's causing me to play a lot less on S2 during these times. I really appreciate the server and all the work you put into it. Best regards, -Charless
For some reason the weather doesn't cycle anymore in LS on S2. It's forced to cloudy all day, every day (for the last few months at least).
I see the weather trying to naturally cycle, then the server (or something) seems to force it back to cloudy.
I think it really takes away from the GTA SA experience and makes the game look ugly. I wish it would cycle naturally with some variety again. I don't even see it rain anymore.
Appreciate it,
Hello, I wanted to share my feedback and ask a few questions after the recent changes to wearable items. After the recent item reset, my avatar went from this: To this: Why has the feature to position items been removed? Most wearable items don't fit correctly on skins. Especially the hats and masks. I think some sort of item positioning options should be available. It's a feature on most servers and virtual worlds. Even if it has to be done manually by an admin per user. How about letting players donate or purchase something on /shop for a custom avatar or item position? Why was the black top hat removed? I can find this item on almost every game. My avatar on GTA Online and every FiveM server has a Top Hat + Balaclava. I'm surprised it isn't an option anymore on S2. When I purchase a weapon color/tint from /shop, why isn't it applied to the weapon I wear on my back? This used to be feature. It's disappointing to see it removed. Although these issues might seem superficial and potentially unimportant, I think giving players the ability to make creative custom avatars in an online world is a major part of the experience. Having a unique custom avatar is part of the fun. Appreciate your consideration, -Charless
15.1.2022Hello, I wanted to share my feedback and ask a few questions after the recent changes to wearable items. After the recent item reset, my avatar went from this: To this: Why has the feature to position items been removed? Most wearable items don't fit correctly on skins. Especially the hats and masks. I think some sort of item positioning options should be available. It's a feature on most servers and virtual worlds. Even if it has to be done manually by an admin per user. How about letting players donate or purchase something on /shop for a custom avatar or item position? Why was the black top hat removed? I can find this item on almost every game. My avatar on GTA Online and every FiveM server has a Top Hat + Balaclava. I'm surprised it isn't an option anymore on S2. When I purchase a weapon color/tint from /shop, why isn't it applied to the weapon I wear on my back? This used to be feature. It's disappointing to see it removed. Although these issues might seem superficial and potentially unimportant, I think giving players the ability to make creative custom avatars in an online world is a major part of the experience. Having a unique custom avatar is part of the fun. Appreciate your consideration, -Charless
15.1.2022Yes. I included a screenshot in my original post for admins.
I spent $30.25 for 35.00 USD "money on web". When PayPal redirected me back to (return to merchant), I received a MySQL error: "Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)"
The payment went through but I did not receive the in-game money.
5 minutes later my bank sent me a text asking if the payment was fraudulent with a possible (Y) or (N) response.
Usually the payment goes through no problem.
Thanks for the support,
edit: When I went back to the Game Shop just recently I noticed there was still 35 USD in my cart and a "Bandito" which I'm pretty certain I didn't add. It explains why my payment was $30.25 instead of $30.00 even. The Bandito was not in the original cart. I just assumed the .25 was tax or something. There was only 35.00 USD in my cart originally.
Hello. I noticed yesterday that I can't see any Offices on the Dynasty8 website. I own an office in East Beach, Commerce and Rodeo. I've restarted my PC, but I don't think this is clientside. Thanks, -Charless
16.8.2019I was told that someone else had the same error caused by the police radio crash. It happened to them within an hour of it happening to me.
Apparently they made a new account and it fixed it. That's not a real solution though.
I tried typing /login. It still gives me error 1001.
I've done everything I can to fix this client side.
Let me know if I can do anything else to troubleshoot.
This happens on S3 when trying to log in after a crash. I'm pretty certain I crashed due to the police radio notification. Thanks, -Charless
I've noticed that some Congressmen either don't understand finances/proposals and just submit random proposals, or do so intentionally to break the budget.
Some Congressmen spam every available proposals daily to lock up proposals and simply make a mess for someone else to fix.
Have you thought about possibly limiting each Congressman to 3 proposals per day?
I think this might help curb the spam issue.
I don't think a Congressman should be allowed to spam every possible proposal daily.
Wow dude, I can't thank you enough. Appreciate your understanding, -Charless
23.1.2018It isn't even profitable to "renew property". I might as well take the 6 USD and resell it .25 at a time on the /market. Regardless, the property and it's location was my motivation for donating to the server. My hope is to get something in exchange that's of equal value, both in USD and to me as a player.
23.1.2018I think we really only need 1 Hotel Suite per city.
We've lost a large portion of the most expensive properties. Longtime players aren't very happy with the /properties nerf.
I purchased this property for it's location only, not the revenue.
I don't have any properties under /properties.
Can I please just have a refund of my 6 USD?
If the USD can't be refunded, would it be possible to refund me with 6 USD worth of renew house?
Hello, I have been trying to get a refund for a few days now. I posted here: Clearly there is some confusion between "/properties" and "/houses". It's hard enough dealing with the properties nerf and the fact that my favorite property was removed. I would really appreciate a refund on the USD I invested so I can move on. Thanks, -Charless
23.1.2018Registrován: 3.11.2017
Přihlášen: 17.1.2025