“You say you don't have problems but you take like 200 mg and spray everyone in Los Santos for few hours, guess there's no help for you by saying things through internet.I'm out of this vote page.”Hello, I'm Tzurez, and im literally the guy which below told you price should be 100k per 20 because of cheaters, when on earth have i took 200mg out with myself?
I was sick once but recovering and moving on in life.I said what I said to help newer people who are still young and you too.Do normal things in-game, violence doesn't bring good things. You say you don't have problems but you take like 200 mg and spray everyone in Los Santos for few hours, guess there's no help for you by saying things through internet.I'm out of this vote page.
Some people, very few go for being the very best and to try to make everything as fast and perfect.I'd be on Redz's level if my pc was as good but I'm avoiding samp drama as I'm getting older, so should you.
“I just hope some of you dont become old me by being drawn too much into fights.Ruined my own eyes cause of it as they become all red, changed mouse and keyboards often cause of aggressive play.Love yourself, don't ruin your own health.Might look like you're okay but as time passes you will hurt others in real life as you become empty and notice that you're getting old.”I think at this point, you have some sickness, don't feel offended, if you become agressive irl, because i keep in mind thats a game, so everything i do is for entertainment, even toxicity, who doesnt love roasting smartasses, and bluffing about something even you don't know, you destroying your own gaming set sounds funny, and "red eyes" lmao.. in this stupid game??? XDD
I just hope some of you dont become old me by being drawn too much into fights.Ruined my own eyes cause of it as they become all red, changed mouse and keyboards often cause of aggressive play.Love yourself, don't ruin your own health.Might look like you're okay but as time passes you will hurt others in real life as you become empty and notice that you're getting old.
“I did..I can't help you cause you're addicted to killing and I have to sometimes force myself to stop cause I have huge number on samp kills and because I got high skills even though my pc is weak I can't always stop myself from hunting someone more new to this game, cause they think they smarter than me but I've been admin on samp and got tons of hours.” killing is the main point in this game, just like gangs, grinding is pointless, the fuck you going to do when you have millions, Nothing, killing around maybe??
“200k is really not much..It's honestly same as 100k cause server has big bonuses, look 70k for ceo work, bunch for heist, security guard was 27k in SF city I don't know about how much now..Other people, not everyone is as good as me or some other players on making that much money, not everyone plays more than few hours a day, not everyone knows which cheats will not be detected.”That was temporarily, and it has gone now, to earn 100k it takes atleast 10-20 minutes
“We can go forever talking about it, if anticheat wasn't there nobody of older people would play on niCe's servers.It does clean much mess.I don't know if any other server has as good or if it even has anticheat from top servers.
Imagine playing in old samp when everyone was flying around, using parkour mod to climb up buildings, most using godmode, car cheats to speed up, teleports, airbreak and million more of cheats.”https://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/videos/cheater-in-wtls-2-ll-jumping-hacks-in-wtls-2/ What else can i say, but players which using teleport or parkour jump are harmless, and when they using it, its fucking obvious Aimbotters are killing this server the most
You say you don't have problems but you take like 200 mg and spray everyone in Los Santos for few hours, guess there's no help for you by saying things through internet.I'm out of this vote page.
killing is the main point in this game, just like gangs, grinding is pointless, the fuck you going to do when you have millions, Nothing, killing around maybe??
“200k is really not much..It's honestly same as 100k cause server has big bonuses, look 70k for ceo work, bunch for heist, security guard was 27k in SF city I don't know about how much now..Other people, not everyone is as good as me or some other players on making that much money, not everyone plays more than few hours a day, not everyone knows which cheats will not be detected.”That was temporarily, and it has gone now, to earn 100k it takes atleast 10-20 minutes
“We can go forever talking about it, if anticheat wasn't there nobody of older people would play on niCe's servers.It does clean much mess.I don't know if any other server has as good or if it even has anticheat from top servers.
Imagine playing in old samp when everyone was flying around, using parkour mod to climb up buildings, most using godmode, car cheats to speed up, teleports, airbreak and million more of cheats.”https://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/videos/cheater-in-wtls-2-ll-jumping-hacks-in-wtls-2/
What else can i say, but players which using teleport or parkour jump are harmless, and when they using it, its fucking obvious
Aimbotters are killing this server the most