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Cr34tive's Tips and Guides

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Congress | Tips and Guides

Cr34tive Cr34tive 20.1.2025
6 13 113
Hello everyone. tarantino4
I guess I should start working on this blog, it's pretty much dead but hey I'll try at least. I managed to be a congressman and decided to make a tutorial post for it, so you can be the Honorable one or the dirty group of corruption. So, without any further talks. Let's...

Job Prerequisites and Licenses | Guides

Cr34tive Cr34tive 15.5.2024
3 10 572
Hello everyone. tarantino4
So, there has been an update which added some prerequisites and licenses for jobs as a requirement. You must have these things in order to start a certain job. I will mention each prerequisite and license needed for each job here:

Job: Air trafficker
Licenses: Pilot License

CEO Challenges | Organization - Tips and Guides

Cr34tive Cr34tive 13.3.2024
1 3 106
Hello everyone. tarantino4
Hoping y'all havng a good day. In this blogpost, we'll wrap up the Organization informational blog topic and start with CEO Challenges. There are two types of CEO Challenges: Local CEO Challenges and Weekly CEO Challenges. Let's get started! fellini8
- Local CEO Challenges -


CEO Jobs | Organization - Tips and Guides

Cr34tive Cr34tive 11.3.2024
5 5 95
Hello everyone. tarantino4
So, we last left off with the General Information blogpost about how to be a CEO and start an organization. In this blogpost, we will go in detail on CEO Jobs. Let's begin. fellini8

- What are CEO Jobs? -

This would be the first question that comes in your mind that what it is exactly?...

Organization - Guides

Cr34tive Cr34tive 6.3.2024
7 10 229
Hello everyone. tarantino4
Welcome to another how-to blogpost. Today, I will tell and explain all you need to know about organization. How to be a CEO? How to hire members? How to do CEO jobs? This is a huge thing to cover up so I have decided to cover it in 3 parts - General Information, CEO Jobs and CEO Challenges....

Minestalker | Tips and Guides

Cr34tive Cr34tive 29.2.2024
7 21 266
Greetings everyone. Welcome to another new topic on how to do a certain thing. I assume you guys may have known about minestalker arcade game in WTLS servers but are you struggling to complete it's levels? Doing it for objective or epsilon missions? Well, I am here to show you how to perform it...

Caligula Palace Job | Heist Recommendations - Tips

Cr34tive Cr34tive 29.2.2024
0 0 42
Greetings after a long time as I was banned on web. Today, we'll wrap up this series with the OG high paid heist: Caligula's Palace job. Let's get into it.
Recommended Weapons: M4, AK47, Combat Shotgun, Desert Eagle
Recommended Vehicles: None
Recommended Players: Cooperative, Shooting...

The Betting Shop | Heist Recommendations - Tips

Cr34tive Cr34tive 14.1.2024
2 6 77
Hello and welcome to another simple heist. Today we have to steal money from a Betting Shop in Downtown Los Santos. Let's begin.

Recommended Vehicles: None
Recommended Weapons: Any weapon
Recommended Players: Cooperative

Cut: $300,000
Dependence: None


Black Project | Heist Recommendations - Tips

Cr34tive Cr34tive 31.12.2023
2 5 78
Greetings and welcome to the probably the hardest heist in the collection: Black Project. Let's get into it.

Recommended Vehicles: Maverick, NRG-500, Any fast car
Recommended Weapons: M4, AK47, Combat Shotgun, Desert Eagle
Recommended Players: Cooperative, Shooting Expert

Cut: $250,000

SFPD Raid | Heist Recommendations - Tips

Cr34tive Cr34tive 26.12.2023
1 3 67
Greetings and welcome to another heist blog. We're slowly getting to the end of this. Today, we have SFPD raid similar to LVPD raid. Let's get into it.

Recommended Vehicles: None
Recommended Weapons: Desert Eagle, M4, AK47
Recommended Players: Cooperative, Shooting Expert


The Crack Palace | Heist Recommendations - Tips

Cr34tive Cr34tive 14.12.2023
3 4 145
Hello and welcome to another heist blog. Today, we have another difficult heist: The Crack Palace. If you don't know, this heist is an inspiration from the last mission of singleplayer GTA San Andreas named End of the Line. Let's get into it.

Recommended Vehicles: Sultan, Maverick, Any...

The Coke Funding | Heist Recommendations - Tips

Cr34tive Cr34tive 8.12.2023
1 3 66
Hello and welcome back to another heist tip blog. We have coke funding today so let's begin.

Recommended Weapons: Desert Eagle
Recommended Vehicles: Any fast vehicle that is good enough to escape cops
Recommended Players: Cooperative, Shooting expert


Zombotech Raid | Heist Recommendations - Tips

Cr34tive Cr34tive 29.11.2023
2 4 86
Hello and welcome to another heist guide blog. Today we have a unique Zombotech Raid heist. Let's get into it.

Recommended Weapons: None
Recommended Vehicles: None
Recommended Players: Cooperative

Cut: $225,000
Dependence: The more damage you take, the...

Nines and AKs | Heist Recommendations - Tips

Cr34tive Cr34tive 3.11.2023
3 8 148
Hello and welcome to the most unique heist in the WTLS servers, also it is one of the new heists: Nines and AKs. Let's get right into it.

Recommended Vehicles: None
Recommended Weapons: None
Recommended Players: Cooperative, Experienced

Cut: Variable

The Small Town Bank | Heist Recommendations - Tips

Cr34tive Cr34tive 26.10.2023
1 7 101
Greetings and welcome to another blogpost after a long time. Today, we have one of the heists inspired from single player SA: The Small Town Bank. Let's get into it.

Recommended Vehicles: None
Recommended Weapons: Desert Eagle, Shotgun (any type)
Recommended Players: Cooperative, Shooting...

The Meat Business | Heist Recommendations - Tips

Cr34tive Cr34tive 11.8.2023
1 10 121
Hello and welcome back to one of my personal favorite heists: The Meat Business. Leave a web private message for me if you want to know (how is it my personal favorite?). Let's get right into it.

Recommended Vehicles: None
Recommended Weapons: AK47, M4, Desert Eagle
Recommended Players: Cooperative,...

The Freighter Raid | Heist Recommendations - Tips

Cr34tive Cr34tive 3.8.2023
1 7 122
Hello and welcome to another heist guide blog. Today, we have one of the simplest heists: The Freighter Raid. So, let's begin.

Recommended Vehicles: None
Recommended Weapons: Desert Eagle, AK47, M4
Recommended Players: Cooperative, Shooting Expert


Van Heist | Heist Recommendations - Tips

Cr34tive Cr34tive 22.7.2023
1 2 76
Hello and welcome to another simple heist guide blog. Today we have a simple heist: Van Heist. Let's get into it.

Recommended Vehicles: NRG-500, Sultan
Recommended Weapons: Desert Eagle
Recommended Players: Cooperative, Driving Expert

Cut: $160,000

LVPD Raid | Heist Recommendations - Tips

Cr34tive Cr34tive 22.7.2023
0 2 105
Hello and welcome to another heist recommendation blog. Today, we have another simple heist, today I'll guide you in robbing the police precinct of Las Venturas. Let's begin.

Recommended Vehicles: None
Recommended Weapons: Desert Eagle
Recommended Players: Cooperative


Woozie Betting Shop | Heist Recommendations - Tips

Cr34tive Cr34tive 20.7.2023
0 1 82
Hello and welcome to another guide of how-to-successfully-complete heists. Today, we have one of the unique heists: Woozie's Betting Shop. It's a short one so let's get it done.

Recommended Vehicles: None
Recommended Weapons: Any weapon
Recommended Players: Cooperative

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